(Part 5 of a 10 part Valentine Series)
Rip and Honey were stunned. "You're saying two men came on stage and had a gun in your face?" Rip exclaimed, "I can see why you have some bad memories. What happened next?" Luigi was living the experience over again, and was a bit distraught. "I froze, and expected to die," he said. Some police had entered the far side of the stage and called out to the men. The man with his gun on me turned toward the police, and the two men headed off stage away from the police. They ran right into some other police. They shot at the police and the police fired back. Both men were hit and went down. I believe both died. A couple of theater workers helped me off the stage. The concert was over, and I was a mess for weeks afterwards. That was the end of that tour."
"Is that when you decided to give up touring?" Rip asked. "No," Luigi, answered." I tried a tour a year later, but gave up the idea after just two concerts. The experience in Budapest had brought fear into my life, and I lost confidence in safety. I could still play very well, but I wasn't into the work as I was previously. Fear is a terrible thing." Rip asked him, "I've been told you're a Christian. Is that true?" "Yes, it is," he replied. "I'm a Catholic, and a faithful attendee at Mass." "Sometimes we can spend many years in church without hearing certain truths," Rip said. "Why?" Luigi asked, "Is fear a sin, and that's my problem?" "No, indeed," Rip answered, "But there is a way to rid yourself of fear. Fear is a strong emotion, but only a sin if it encourages you not to do something your conscience tells you to do. Then it's called the sin of omission, just the opposite of the sin of commission. There's an excellent example of the sin of omission in Matt. 25:31-45. When you can do something positive and
fail to do it, that is a sin of omission. It's like watching an assault and
failing to help."
"I don't remember hearing that explanation before," Luigi said thoughtfully. Rip continued, "Since fear is an emotion, and not a sin, fear can be conquered." Luigi said, "I'd sure like to end this dread that kicks in sometimes. How do you go about getting rid of an emotion like fear?" Rip answered, "The same way you became an outstanding pianist." "Playing a piano or instrument isn't the same as an emotion," Luigi objected. "Oh, but it is," Rip disagreed. "The same ingredient works for just about anything. If you had a heartfelt acceptance of Christ's offer of salvation, you have access to the cure of fear." Now Luigi was really interested.
"I am that," he claimed. "But maybe your Protestant rules are different than my Catholic rules." Rip responded, "Luigi, both the Protestant and Catholic people of faith follow the rules spoken by Christ in the four books of gospel. There are various differences in the conduct of services, but sin is the same in both, and fear is the same in both. Now, how did you become proficient in the piano?" "I studied and practiced," Luigi answered. "And as you got better and better, how did you feel?" Rip asked. "I felt great," Luigi said. Rip continued, "As you improved, you performed before more and more people, and gained their approval. Why did that happen?" Luigi thought for a few seconds, and then burst out, "I had become confident. I didn't worry about possible mistakes or a bad
performance. I knew everything would be right!"
Rip moved right on. "You applied yourself over a period of time studying and practicing. You wanted to conquer the difficulty of becoming a grand performer. You can conquer fear by studying scripture and seeking the help of the Holy Spirit." Luigi admitted his church experience had not included much scripture study. I left that up to the priest," he explained. "Rip admonished him. You accepted Christ's free gift of salvation and don't expect to have to do anything but wait to go to Heaven?" Luigi moaned, "But what can I do alone. Fear isn't a sin, so I don't have to confess it. Nobody has said anything about confidence, and the Holy
Spirit is a sort of unexplained spiritual being."
"I'll explain that for you," Rip promised. "Protestants believe the very words of Christ in the four gospels. Christ tells us in Matt. 18:20, 'For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.' Luigi you only need one other person to pray with you to seek the Holy Spirit's help. As a saved person, the power of God is in you, and it's up to you to ask for His help. You don't need me or a priest. You just have to believe Christ's word." Luigi said doubtfully, "But how can this be?" Rip followed up with the example of the miracles Christ performed, and the miracles listed elsewhere in scripture. "This is nothing new," he said. "The sad truth is that most Christians-- Protestant and Catholic--don't or won't study the bible. It's not an easy book to study, and some teaching guidance makes a huge difference. You see, Luigi, if you study and practice, you can gain that confidence you need to conquer fear. Remember, Christ said at the very end of the Great commission, Matt. 28:20, 'and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age.' Christ and the Holy Spirit never leave you once you make a sincere
Luigi retraced the steps Rip had outlined. He was overwhelmed, but not to the point of confusion. "You mean I can pray with my wife, and expect to communicate directly to God?" he asked, with some doubt still in his voice. "You bet!" Rip answered. "The more believers in your group, the louder your prayers will be in Heaven. You could get over your fear instantly, but since it's an emotion, it will likely take longer. The key is to believe it will happen, and build confidence. This doesn't mean you'll never be afraid of anything. It's normal to fear threatening things like tests and hornets, but that is a short term fear, and the subject is something usually easy to solve."
Honey said, "Rip, it's getting late, and I need to get back to fix dad's supper." Rip agreed. "Luigi, can we come back again and talk to you?" he asked. Luigi sported a big smile and seemed much brighter and recovered from the accident. "I'm already looking forward to your next visit," he replied. "I want to pay for the beautiful young lady, and maybe hear her sing." Honey laughed, "Well, that won't be much of a treat, I'm really not good, and I don't do classical." Luigi waved her comment aside. "Music is music," he insisted. The three walked back to the cars, and headed home.
On the way, Honey looked at Rip, and gushed, "Wow!" "What's wrong?" Rip asked. This was a different Honey than the one he had just recently met. "You really are quite a preacher," she responded. "I've gone to church for years, and I never heard such easy directions for a problem. I realize it's easy to say and difficult to do, but at least there is a way. Luigi has a wonderful story. I'm guessing he was in Budapest during the Russian-Hungarian uprising." "That would be it," Rip agreed. "I'm surprised you remember that, because you're pretty young to recall events of that time." Honey gave a big laugh. "I didn't spend all my time in school on music and planning," she exclaimed. "I like history, and both music and the bible encourage a person to research the subject."
"Oh! Oh!" Honey exclaimed as they passed several girls on the sidewalk. "What's wrong?" Rip asked somewhat alarmed. "Those girls we just passed are from our church. They know your car and could see my blonde hair. Now they'll start up the gossip mill." Rip laughed, and shook off the implication. "You can claim this was just a business trip you had to endure!" Honey shrugged and said with some emphasis, "Yeah, they'll believe that alright!" Rip said, "Honey, I don't want to embarrass you. If you'd rather, you don't have to humor me by going with me. You have been a real help though with getting to know Luigi." Honey interrupted him, "Rip, don't be dense! I like this mystery and really enjoy Luigi. But I also kinda like your company. I'm not embarrassed in any way. In fact, if the girls are jealous, that's a bonus. And don't go preaching to me about the
sin of jealousy, envy and whatever."
"Now it's my turn to be impressed,"he said. "You have a nice way with words. I'm going to press my luck by asking you out on a real date. How about the tried and true 'dinner and a movie?" Honey had a big smile as she said, "It's not luck, Sherlock Holmes. It's natural deduction. I'd say yes even without the mystery and Luigi. I learned something about scripture today. I enjoy having fun, but there's a lot to learn in this world. Let's set the time. I'm looking forward to finding out more about you." Rip dropped her off at her house and was only slightly aware of his surroundings as he drove home. "She actually likes me," he thought. "she's got it all, and I'm blessed to find her."
Honey had similar thoughts as she prepared supper. Afterwards, she went to the church for choir practice. As she entered church she met the senior pastor's wife. "Honey, can I talk to you for a few minutes after practice?" she asked. "Certainly," Honey replied, as she turned off the hall for choir practice.
(To be continued)
Rev. Walbear
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