When most of us buy something and pay bills, we usually receive a
receipt listing the purchase, price, and anything else pertinent to the
transaction. That's normal business. Is there a time when it is not
appropriate to receive such a receipt? The answer is a resounding YES! Unfortunately many Christians haven't bothered to study scripture. In usual buying, selling, and alms, we are dealing with material substances. This includes rent, mortgages, car payments, food, etc. But, scripture deals with receipts, the use of money, and the differences in acknowledgements for payments and offerings.
We'll get to those scriptures, but first some thoughts about the
separation of the Christian church when the original Catholic system was split by the Protestant movement. The issue---at no surprise--- was money. The Catholic church experienced the same difficulty faced by all spiritual organizations. People don't want to spend money for something they can't see. If they aren't willing to pay for something they can't see, the church doesn't survive. Even though people observe or hear of a spiritual miracle, they usually have doubt. There is always the comment, "Let's see it again." Of course there are usually a number of flimflam artists trying to take advantage of people. When the Catholic church attempted to solve the money problem, leaders adopted a very carnal proposal: indulgence. What did this mean, and did it work?
The answer is yes, it worked, but only until Martin Luther came along
and posted his objection on the church door. Indulgence offered the
Christians of that day the opportunity to have sins forgiven through
confession and repentance. That is still true today. Luther's objection was the added benefit that payment of money permitted the sin to be repeated over and over. As long as you could afford it, you could enjoy the sin, be forgiven, and then go back for more. Spiritually, that was bad, but financially it enabled the church to operate and actually grow. Luther's bold move created a firestorm, and eventually his condemnation of "pay to sin" resulted in the Protestant movement as well as the practice of the church designating the amount of the tithe (10%) of a family's income as well as indulgence payments.
We still haven't talked about receipts, but we will after this further
information about how Satan manages to misdirect Christians about many things, including money. The Catholic church hasn't changed that much, but the Protestant church is so splintered you often can't recognize the relationship among the thousands (yes 1,000s) of denominations. When we began our non denominational ministry, a pastor opined we now have non denomination denominations. He was absolutely correct. There is a difference between a valid non denominational and a pretender. The pretender has a certain amount of set rules, much like a traditional denomination based on the guidelines of a denomination planter such as Luther or Wesley.
Now to the business of receipts. The problem of church or religious
finance never leaves us because Satan knows it is vital. The first thing he does is mislead us, as Christians, to get law and grace mixed up. If you don't know the difference between the Law given Moses and repeated by Christ, and grace brought to us by Christ, you will not understand the principle of giving. You must also know the difference between a native Jew and a religious Jew. A person can be a Jew by birth and not choose to be a Jew by faith (religion). A Christian has to understand that Christ brought us grace to replace the blood sacrifice of the Old Testament. He also brought freedom from the complex social laws of the Jewish culture. This is the first step leading to the understanding of receipts.
Under the Old Testament, Jews were required to offer a blood sacrifice to be absolved of sin. This sacrifice should always be the finest example of the species you were offering. That meant the best ram, buck, ox or dove. That was the sin offering. The offering was hurtful in two ways. You had to kill a living creature that represented the best breeding animal you had and took away the quality of your flock or herd. That meant it was expensive---a real financial loss. This was a stark reminder not to sin. This leads us to our first visit of receipts.
That loss through sacrifice was the receipt. As a Christian, you have a receipt every time you sin and properly ask forgiveness. It is written in blood---Christ's blood. It covered all sins, both past and present. When you celebrate communion or mass, you receive your receipt. Your acceptance of His offer of eternal life covers all. There is no paper signed by a human. No pastor, treasurer, or priest can replace Christ's blood, EXCEPT your drink of wine and taste of bread representing Christ's sacrifice for you and your pass to heaven. All the earthly church can do in the way of a receipt is to lead you through that observance. When you do this, your receipt is noted in heaven.
I know church leaders will hate this message because getting people to support the church poses the same problem that existed when Christianity was born. Humans have attempted to bolster giving in many ways, and today's ministries are mostly aboard the apostate train. Although communion and mass are observed, Christians don't realize the difference between the sin offering and money (material) offering. This offering is where a Christian earns heavenly rewards. You don't receive these rewards on earth, and, if you did, you couldn't take them with you. There are no scriptures so far in this message because salvation should be known and it's your job to tell others. The initiation into Christianity is simple and easy, and costs nothing material. It's just your word to accept and follow Christ's teaching to receive eternal life. When you do this, you must follow His direction. He gives us exactly the definition of responsibility and receipts. It's all in the four gospels.
Forgiveness of sin is taken care of by Christ. Care of the physical and
spiritual church is now the Christians' responsibility. Christian leaders do not set proper priorities because the need to fulfill human material needs is foremost in their mind. We need a home, and Christ told us in Luke 9:58, "And Jesus said unto him, 'foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head.'"
This is the cost of discipleship. A preacher or teacher of God's word--- a person who devotes his/her life to this mission---should be the first, the primary, material benefactor of material offerings. This person is far more important than any building or memorial. Christianity began in small gatherings in homes and outside. Anywhere two or more believers gather is a church, because Christ said so in Matt. 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them." The beautiful buildings are nice and impressive, but Paul and Silas held "church" locked in stocks in the inner part of a prison. Read Acts 16:22-26, and you will see that God freed Paul and Silas by opening the prison cells and stocks when the faith of these two men was apparent. Something bad was turned into something good when the jailer and his household received salvation. Also note verse 40, where Lydia is again mentioned. She was the leader of the small Christian community there, which was mostly women. Buildings are not a priority, especially prisons.
There is nothing sinful about useful buildings, but the primary need of any congregation or church body is a teacher of scripture. This is usually the job of the pastor. There are other responsibilities of a pastor, but teaching the word is the prime reason for a church service. This is the person who bears the responsibility to God for the people. Humans, since the founding of the Jewish and Christian faiths, have always suffered from misunderstanding and unwillingness to support teachers and pastors materially. Many people consider that pastors don't really work for their pay. They consider their offering a gift. Many pastors, in turn, realize the people don't want to study the four gospels. They don't want to sit through more than 15 or 20 minutes of a sermon. Topics frequently are heavy on being a good person or a bunch of "don'ts" that everyone should already know. Worse yet, is when the pastor panders to the congregation's loudmouths on social issues never spoken by Christ.
Christ took care of the sin offering. It is the Christian's responsibility to take care of the disciples--the teachers of the word. We live on earth, and we have material needs. Christians think about serving God and making material offerings. Their duty is to support the work of the disciple (pastor or teacher) as Christ directed in John 21:15-22. The directions were simple: feed the lambs and sheep (adults), and "Follow Me." Teaching scripture is the main responsibility. Faith believers often fail to support teaching. Israel brought captivity upon itself by failing to support the priests. When Jerusalem was restored under Nehemiah, fakers channeled church money into their own use while Nehemiah was away. Like Christ, he had to cleanse the temple. Paul worked as a tent maker. Many true pastors and teachers must work outside the church to make a decent living.
A lifelong friend of mine was a pastor who worked as a school teacher
as well as a pastor. His church's Board decided his outside income was
sufficient that he should accept a 50% pay cut.The church didn't have to
provide him housing: he owned his home and paid taxes on it. These fake
faith leaders wanted to short change God's disciple. Most Christians don't understand that the pastors and teachers actually anointed by God frequently must have an outside job to provide a reasonable living. This is especially true if the person has a family. If the person has no congregation or denominational support, it must be a work of faith and
love. Otherwise, the person would have to live on welfare. It takes genuine faith to minister in this way. Most Christians think a person who
works this way must have some other source of income. Who, in their right mind, would choose to live on faith? Which brings us to phony
Everyone---even welfare recipients---pays some kind of taxes. When you pay taxes, you receive a receipt as proof that you obeyed man's carnal law. When you buy a house or car, you receive a deed or proof of ownership for the money you spent. There is always a need for that piece of paper for humans. When you graduate or receive some award, there is evidence of your success in something material. This is
respected and admired by mankind. It may even include a financial award such as a scholarship or bonus. When you donate to the church or a qualified charity, you receive a receipt showing your money is not subject to man's taxes to operate ANY of man's earthly needs.
The first problem with this system is that your tax exempt receipt is
worthless in heaven. Your generosity or greed is noted in God's account
books. Christ told us in Matt. 6:20. "But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal." Verse 21 sums it up: "For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also." Your tax exempt receipt only counts on carnal earth. Your donation was a blessing from God, and He owns everything. When you take credit for the donation, you steal the
glory of God. The same is true for the church. Christ was born in Bethlehem because Joseph and Mary had to go there to pay their taxes. Matt. 17:24-27 tells us that Jesus and Peter paid tribute money (taxes). Christ told Peter in verse 27, "Not withstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened its mouth, thou shall find a piece of money; that take, and give unto them for me and thee."
Now we need to examine what Christ said about tribute money (taxes). This may be puzzling to you because it does take considerable thought. Matt. 22:17-21 explains the need for taxes from everyone, including churches. "And He saith unto them, Whose is this image (on the money) and superscription? They say unto Him, Caesar's. Then saith He unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's." Your taxes pay for Caesar's things (government things such as roads, bridges, material items such as health care, military protection, support for widows and orphans, disabled people and many other human needs. When you don't pay taxes, you are shifting your share of these costs to other citizens. You and church members use all these benefits, so you should pay your share. If you give money to the church rather than Caesar, you are legally evading paying your share. Worse yet, you are using God as an excuse to direct your money away from all citizens' needs. You have man's receipt, but only man's paper for man's legal proof.
Go back to Matt. 6:21. Your receipt from the church or ministry reveals that you are taking the credit (glory) from God by claiming the donation under your name. All blessings and gifts come from God. If you collect receipts for religious donations for your private use, that is acceptable to God. When you make your generosity public, you are stealing God's glory. You are also shifting your civic duty and responsibility to others. It's a double sin. The excuse of sharing material things, including money, was one of the first directives from God through the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. God did not tell us to support socialism. He told us to be responsible for others, not to give up all our possessions. You need to compare His message through more than scattered verses. Read these passages:
Acts: 2:44-45 are one of the most misunderstood and wrongly taught set of passages in scripture. There are two reasons for this interpretation. It is a provider for church financial support, and it feeds on greed and lack of compassion. Verse 44 explains, "And all that believed were together, and had all things in common;" The problem is misunderstanding "all things." The next verse (45) explains what the all things were. "And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need." This is what we do today when we have pot luck meals after services, or distribute clothing, or share rides, or provide a place to stay temporarily for someone in need. The key is the phrase"as every man had need." This was not welfare because these early Christians were already working for Christ. Some had come quite a distance from their home. Nobody had to sell or contribute all their possessions. You need to know the difference between welfare and socialism.
There are two kinds of welfare in the United States. Some people will work if they physically are able; in fact they want to work. Others are lazy and seek reasons to get welfare. The problem is that it is very costly to handle these latter people. They usually must have constant supervision and be in primary jobs. This requires hiring a supervisor, and this generally proves too expensive for both private business and the government. Rewarding laziness is cheaper than setting up some supervisory system. Another major reason that Acts 2:44-45 has been used to discredit Christian sharing is in Luke 18:18-25.
"And a certain ruler asked Him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him,why callest thou Me Good? None is good, save One, that is, God. Thou knowest the Commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and thy mother. And he said, All these have I kept from my youth up. Now when Jesus heard these things, He said unto him, Yet lacked thou one thing, sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and come, FOLLOW ME. And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful; for he was very rich." You need to understand the next two verses to know why Jesus told him to sell all his possessions.
Luke 18:24-25, "And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God." If you are puzzled by Christ's explanation, there are two factors: the rich man worshiped wealth (money), and you can't worship two things, Matt. 6:24. "No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one , and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." The other factor is simple: if you have FAITH, you know God ALWAYS keeps His promise to provide for you. If necessary, He will cause a miracle. How many receipts on earth will get you anything in heaven? Is it really prudent to place your trust in money or God? We have the choice.
Rev. Walbear