Tuesday, June 14, 2016


                                                         DOUBTING THOMAS 

When a personal experience exactly matches scripture, the teaching of Jesus Christ really hits home. If you are a Christian, and base your "faith" on Christ, He will give you real life experiences that match His experiences on earth. This requires calm thinking on your part, because we are told both in the Old Testament by Isaiah, and by Christ in the New Testament that faith does not come easily. Thomas, one of the 12 disciples, spent time in the presence of Christ, hearing the teaching and seeing miracles. When Christ was risen and first appeared to some of the disciples, Thomas was not present. Thomas did not believe these disciples when they told him they had seen Christ. The second time He appeared to the disciples, Thomas was present, and expressed his disbelief. Look at John 20:24-29, where Thomas had to actually place his hand in the place where Christ had been pierced by a sword.

So much for scripture. We turn now to real life with real people, and I'm the real people. I'm not a doubting Thomas, but I have perhaps more reason to believe. The lack of faith to believe does more to hurt an innocent person than the disbeliever. It may not result in a physical scar, but a mental scar. Consider Christ's feeling when Thomas doubted. We shall address TWO vital characteristics through the examination of doubt. You should understand that doubt also often is accompanied by fear. There is a saying that if one good man doesn't stand up, the bad guy wins. Who stood up for Christ? You may not stand up for what's right because the opponent is strong and shows much force. That's fear, another word for lack of faith.

My father was a school board member for many years and served as the board secretary most of his tenure. He set the meeting agendas and was the guy people came to see when they had needs or problems. As a young lad, I saw many people come to him to register a complaint. He always listened and told them he would put their situation on the agenda of the next meeting. All they had to do was attend the meeting and present their case. Very few showed up. They either really didn't have a reasonable problem, or they were afraid to face officialdom. If they or their children were being wronged, the existing situation would continue or get worse.

I saw this phenomenon when I was in college, and the state was moving to eliminate small schools by consolidation. This process is continuing today. There were nine smaller districts involved, including one with a high school. In America, bigger is always believed to be better. Serious research showed this consolidation would save money immediately, but reverse financially a few years down the road. The state's man (a county superintendent of schools) knew his job, and put great pressure on the school directors in the nine districts. All were honest men (no women), but only one had 20 years of experience and had met with actual state professionals in the state's capital. That was my father. Although he had the facts and figures, a majority of the board members endorsed the superintendent. When it came to a vote, my father was the only no vote. Fast forward one month, and the other four members of my father's board came to him and apologized for their vote. It took only that long for the financial numbers to suddenly prove him correct. But, it was too late. The small schools were closed as was the small high school. Taxes went up, and the "advantages" of the big school didn't materialize. The superintendent didn't tell them subjects could be expanded only if funds were spent to purchase additional materials, such as more typewriters, books, and numerous other items. Students didn't have the promised options.

Now, return with me to yesteryear, and we're at a trial before the Roman judge. Jesus did not attempt to defend Himself, He had no witnesses, and the Jewish priests and politicians wanted Him dead; they testified against Him. They had no evidence. Pilate wanted to set Him free. Not one person stood up for the Son of God. Remember, women didn't count at that time. They did what they could, witnessing His cruel death. There were no "believing" men around. Think about this again. Here were men who were sent out to tell people the gospel (Matt. 10:5-25). He gave them power to heal and cure. Still, they didn't believe resurrection was possible. The fact they failed doesn't give you the same excuse. We have a personal relationship with Him.

I have been blessed several times when people stood with me and supported me in important issues. This is a wonderful feeling. The feeling of disappointment when support hides is devastating. Losing the issue is minor compared to the lack of trust and support. This lack of trust is evident in our society today, and the result is that people accept negative information if it has any chance to correct a real or perceived problem. Satan has a huge cadre of people right now misrepresenting the gospel, and that includes a large number of apostate church leaders. Most believers fear opposing anyone or group who uses character assassination or lynch mob tactics. It's not fun to be attacked.

Two brief instances where I had a ringside seat to observe evil overtake truth, and how to retreat as God always directs when He will accept a brief battle victory by Satan. The church (us) is in a delaying action at present, as we should understand by studying Revelation. The first situation involved a battle mixing politics, greed and influential power. The head of one agency didn't get the prime office space of another department head. He directed an employee to lie about a trivial matter, and solicited the help of a politician to build upon a minor lie. There was no support for the innocent department head, so he had to resign. The big loser was the people, who lost an honest and diligent worker. There was no support to get the department's work accomplished.

The second situation involved an innocent person doing a job very well. There arose a problem with the job caused by a vicious individual possessed by the combination of greed and power. The innocent person would have to go to court to rectify the problem. In this situation there were witnesses who could correct the situation. However, the evil person had the power (money) and reputation to frighten people. The witnesses were common people who would be no match for a clever attorney. Rather than go through court, and subject these people to embarrassment, the innocent person decided to accept the loss. Being honest and correct in a court of law does not mean a fair decision. God is always in charge, but He uses people to do things, and each is judged by Him according to their actions.

If you are a committed Christian, the Holy Spirit will tell you when you took the easy way out. It's a sin of omission, but it is a sin that is forgiven by Christ's sacrifice. He does understand your thinking and decision. When several people are involved in a situation, a Christian is expected to be concerned with all participants, including a guilty party. God's Chosen person or people didn't always come out victorious in the first battle. They were taken captive many times when they forsook God. They were always restored when the lesson was learned and they repented. The Jews were warned before World War II to leave Europe.

They chose to stay for several reasons, but mostly because they had become physically "comfortable" there. Although somewhat discriminated against, they were having a very comfortable life, according to carnal physical conditions. The comfort zone was provided by money. They displayed the ingenuity and work ethic inherent in the Jewish nationality. Remember, a person can be a Jew by nationality and/or religion. Money replaced their loyalty and allegiance to God. When it comes to supporting God AND truth, few people are left standing.

Many Christians in America are imitating the apostles in their lack of support for His teaching. Rather than follow directions in the four gospels, they are championing the discriminating rhetoric of race, other faiths, personal life styles, dress, Jewish social customs and laws, gender, and other methods utilized to separate WOULD BE BELIEVERS. If you find yourself beating the drum for a politician or church leader constantly harping on these subjects, you are in serious trouble. Ask the person to present the scriptural reference from the spoken word of Christ in the four gospels. Don't be sidetracked by reference from Jewish laws or Proverbs. A Christian follows Jesus Christ, the Son of God. There is no other. You are accountable.

Rev. Walbear

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