If you are a regular reader of these messages, you will see that there are certain quotes from the four gospels repeated many times. Most of these quotes are not one-liners, but passages of several verses that fully explain the subject. This message begins with the short, but concise Christian "Manifesto." This manifesto includes ALL directions given His followers (us). Salvation begins the Christian walk, but the walk then must follow the path explained to us in Matt,. 28:18-20, and Luke 24:44-49. We'll examine these scriptures more closely, and you may see you have misunderstood parts of them. After reviewing these verses, we'll move on to the TOTAL job description for a Christian in Matt. 13:19-23. There's a warning about overdoing the Christian urge to control Gentiles in Matt. 13:24-30. These latter passages also refer to the rapture and Christ's return as seen in Revelation. All scripture is related, but you must consider directions carefully. We will look at each of these references, and expand the meaning and use of the words. It's way too easy to jump to the wrong conclusions.
When Jesus had risen, He appeared to the disciples and gave them the exact directions a Christian must follow--no more, no less. The problem Christians have today is trying to expand these directions, going so far as to quote Jewish civil law and Proverbs. Jewish civil law is not part of the Ten Commandments, and Christ did not speak or write any Proverbs. Carrying out Christ's directions is work enough for any Christian. Matt, 28:18-20, "And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU; and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen."
Christ's directions are also very clear in Luke 24:44-49. I'll list only verse 47, "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." This much is crystal clear: A Christian's job is to preach the word of God. Our responsibility is to PREACH THE WORD, TO TEACH THE WORD. It is not to use other parts of scripture except to reinforce something He taught. Christ used prophets such as Isaiah, who told about the birth of Christ, among other information he received directly from God. The prophets did not preach do's and don'ts. They warned Israel they were departing from God's word and worship. This expansion by modern Christians to include focusing on issues such as same sex marriage and abortion, other religions and races has NO PLACE in following Christ's directions. I'll give you scripture to tell you why. Don't believe me, believe Christ.
The method of preaching the word is explained in Matt. 13:18-23. This is the Parable of the Sower. Christ tells us to sow (preach) His word. It is every person's choice to accept, backslide or reject the message. There is no force. It is a sin to try and force Christianity on anyone. Our job is to preach and teach. We are issuing a CALL, which may bring the person to be CHOSEN. Read the parable. We scatter the seed. We cannot force it to grow. The parable describes what happens to people who receive the seed. If you are a preacher or teacher, you will be held accountable for trying to force belief and wrong teaching. Every Christian has at least one gift of the Spirit. There is no purpose
in arguing with someone who doesn't agree with you. God and the Holy Spirit will do the CHOOSING. If a person is amenable, and will discus the subject reasonably, it could be profitable for both of you. If the discussion is about controversial issues, and the person becomes emotional or animated, it is correct to withdraw.
in arguing with someone who doesn't agree with you. God and the Holy Spirit will do the CHOOSING. If a person is amenable, and will discus the subject reasonably, it could be profitable for both of you. If the discussion is about controversial issues, and the person becomes emotional or animated, it is correct to withdraw.
There is only ONE person qualified to judge heaven and earth, and He does not need your "expertise." You have read in previous quoted scripture that Christ has dominion over heaven and earth. You should also be aware that Christ is the judge in the end times. Check out Matt. 7:1-5. These passages tell us not to judge people. All sins are equal in value, so if you pick one sin such as drunkenness or abortion, you must also list the others which include lying (false witness) and envy. Otherwise, you are judging others while you are ignoring your personal sins. The penalty from Christ can be your anger and charge returned to you. If you use your mind, you can understand that people don't have to be married to have same sex. They do have to be legally married to qualify for government benefits. If they are taxpayers, they are entitled to these benefits. Hate and greed replace the intelligence
of the accuser. Why do you think Christ didn't teach about these subjects? Do you believe you are more intelligent than Christ?
of the accuser. Why do you think Christ didn't teach about these subjects? Do you believe you are more intelligent than Christ?
Satan uses emotional issues and the lack of scripture knowledge to divide would be believers. To understand this apparent conflict with our desire for and hope for peace, you must know that the original presence of Christ on earth WAS NOT to establish peace. That will not come to pass until He RETURNS. Read Revelation to substantiate this. Here is the reason for His appearance on earth in the flesh, Matt. 10:34-39 tells us He came to DIVIDE us. "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I come not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his Father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. He that taketh not his cross, and followeth after Me, is not worthy of Me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for My sake shall find it. He that receiveth you receiveth Me, and he that receiveth Me receiveth. Him that sent Me."
This scripture may confuse you if you fail to understand Christ came to offer salvation and The Way to eternal life. Mankind has the choice to FOLLOW Him and His teaching, or to decide what additional teaching from the bible, including Jewish social law and Proverbs. Your choice to follow His narrow path in the gospels or to expand to include other issues will separate or DIVIDE you from the body of Christ. You can either concentrate on His teaching, or go your own way, which is NOT The Way. Peace won't come until the earth is purified and Christ comes a second time to clear out all those who do not follow The Way. Read Revelation. Christians will not purify the earth. In America, Christians are wasting time and power arguing about issues Christ never mentioned. Many are obsessed with sexual issues, including such no brainers about who can use which bathroom, potty rules, what you can wear in your bedroom, how rape is okay in some instances, and how women cause rape because of the clothes they wear. Of course, men have no responsibility will be men.
American Christians are splitting what heavenly power they are gifted with, while Satan is realizing His time is soon upon the earth. Proud men wear their earthly rewards and enjoy their idol---money. Those few understanding Christians who are issuing the warning of the Prophets in the Old Testament and the modern Prophets, who aren't recognized by the church, will receive heavenly rewards. Matt. 10:41 tells us, "He that receiveth a Prophet in the name of a Prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward." You can find the definition of other heavenly rewards in the Epistles. Faith is more than a word: it is The Way. Are you separating yourself?
Rev. Walbear
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