Saturday, June 13, 2015


Brummett Echohawk (Pawnee artist), "Trail of Tears," 1957

                                              AN ALIEN NATION    

    Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end  of the age." (Matt. 38:19-20) It's about time Christians in America take heed of Christ's final words. We have sent missionaries all over the world, but we are failing miserably in our own nation. Take heed that Jesus gave us two directions in His closing address: go to all nations, teaching HIS commandments. Instead
of patting ourselves on the back for our foreign missionary programs, we should examine our missionary system in the United States and our record in observing His commandments.

    What missionary programs in the United States? you ask. I have to agree with the question. Most American church people don't realize we have and still are failing our domestic missionary responsibilities. Our obligations to native American Indians have never been Christian in nature. We have stolen their land, put them on reservations like criminals, cheated them in material, and failed to provide adequate support in education and health. American Indians are a layer of humanity much like black people in America. They are considered inferior to the ruling white people. Now add in the disgraceful way white men treat women, and we see a shameful bunch of self righteous frauds. And most claim they have faith. This is not a social rant; it is a state of the union message on the subject of American Christianity, based on the very words of Christ as He left earth for Heaven.

    If you want to learn about our disgraceful treatment of American
Indians, you can find the many ways by researching Christian 
organizations working to help the victims of some of the church and joint government "solutions" for what to do with "those pesky redskins." Let's get over this great American dream about a Christian  nation, and face facts the rest of the world now can observe. When we examine ourselves honestly, it is not a pretty sight...think about the tales of people who saw a tape of their earthly life. No matter how good a person we consider ourselves to be, self righteousness reigns supreme among Christians. Isaiah 54:6 describes how we really are: "But we are like an unclean thing, and all our  righteousnesses are like filthy rags;" Too many of us think that  obeying some of Christ's commandments is good enough. We don't lie, steal or give false testimony. That's far enough in self love,
because we don't even follow these simple rules. We all enjoy juicy gossip and blaming someone wrongly without knowing the facts, or when it's none of our business. 

    These self lies are sin enough, but when you add our attitude to the lesser class of people, American Indians, blacks, women, and people with other religious beliefs, we are way over the line. Christ did not tell us to force people to believe in Him. He did not tell us to force people to live exactly as we live. He told us to  preach the gospel to provide all people with a choice to be one of The Way or one of the lost. He taught us to be brothers and sisters in this  earthly life and eternity. Being present in church and Sunday school doesn't mean you're saved any more than your presence in school means you're educated. Rather than a Christian nation, we are an alien nation--people from other places on the globe who have taken this land by any means available. God gave His Chosen people
Israel; He did not give them or Christians the United States. It was groups of people seeking false Christianity and/or riches who came to America.

    You may not like my reference to false Christians settling first in
America, but if you research their life style you will see they followed
almost none of Christ's commandments. They came to America because their brand of Christianity was not accepted in Europe. They talked God, but didn't walk the walk. One of the first things they did upon arriving here was to build stocks and erect a burning stake. It was so bad, Roger Williams had to leave the colony and move to Rhode Island to establish a reasonable Christian community and church. He may have been the only saved man at Plymouth Rock. These Pilgrims considered Indians to be savages because their lifestyle was different. Wow! Was that ever true. Think about how the Indians treated the natural resources and didn't go about depleting the gifts of nature God provided. The Indians did have white man's problem of warring, but were friendly to our ancestors---the ALIENS. Of course the white men soon began doing the American "thing," cheating the natives out of everything in sight.

    Tell me Christians didn't know they were cheating the Indians in the deal of the century---buying one of the world's largest islands, or trading virtually worthless items, or materials far short in value for what the white man got. After taking the land by force, the white man kept the most valuable part and placed the Indians in detention camps called reservations. Eventually the white man moved entire tribes from their traditional land in the "trail of tears" to worthless land several states away. And they had to walk; no free ride for redskins.

    Do you believe God didn't see all these "Christian" acts? We have been
blessed with His mercy, because He gave us the opportunity to repent
and come to Him. He sent Jesus to earth to give mankind an opportunity
to become brothers and sisters in eternal life. (John 3:16) "For God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever  
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Our  
ancestors enacted a marvelous Constitution, but national leaders didn't follow their own rules, not freeing slaves until bigoted and greedy leaders in some states were forced to do so by a civil war. It took another 70 years for women to get the vote. 

    God gave the United States an opportunity to repent, and we did the
right thing---we entered World War II, and were the main ingredient in
preserving freedom for much of the world. Soon after the war was over,
we provided the means to rebuild the destruction of war in enemy
countries. While this was happening, there was another major move on by learned people in many fields. The expertise that had enabled us to materially support the war effort could now be used for civilians.
Unfortunately there was bad with the good. While the war had brought
us together, it had also strengthened our tie to Christianity. We were so joyous to have the victory and the wartime conditions ended, we did the usual religious funk. Except for families that lost members or now had crippled or otherwise handicapped veterans, people enjoyed "golden" years, making up for hardships, rationing and wants. Most Americans today have no idea what it's like to live in major war years.

    The expertise learned during war years was put to use by business
people and industrialists. New products hit the market, and commerce
boomed. The machine and electronic age took off, and planners in
business and government devised methods to increase profits and
distribute goods. As the early American plantation owners knew, the
easiest way to reduce costs is to underpay labor. These leaders ignored
the directions in 1 Cor. 9:9 that instructs us "For it is written in the law 
of Moses, You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain." This
directive also appears in Deut. 25:4 as well as in other places. During
the 1930s, we established programs to serve the working people who
could never earn enough to provide a pension or health care. This 
program has worked very well for nearly 80 years. Now these low paying jobs are being outsourced to foreign nations or workers are replaced by machines. The earning capability is gone, and a concerted effort is underway to eliminate or cut back these vital programs.

    Americans who stood by and watched our greedy uncaring leaders
decimate the Indians are now watching state and national leaders
attempting to decimate the current middle class as well as Indians,
other nationalities, other religions and women. It is a combination
of industrialists and wealthy politicians driven by love of money and the power it brings. Matt. 6:24 warns us we cannot serve God and mammon (money). The layer of white Americans born after the end of World War II benefited by these social programs and now are one of the major reasons the social programs are in danger. They Have Theirs, and they don't want to share ANYTHING. Although most of the news media is controlled by Arab and Conservative money, the public has been misled to believe it is under liberal control. The  airways are crowded with ultra conservative commentators who  continue to preach divisiveness, making little effort to back their  rants with any facts. Just like bible facts, no research of scripture  or issues.

    Why all the negative claims and concentration on subjects NEVER
MENTIONED by Christ? Come on Christians, don't let yourself be drawn
in by this emotional rhetoric. I've explained these subjects before, but
some Christians don't bother to read the scripture based information.
Apparently it's more fun to disobey the Ninth Commandment about false witness. For example many Christians refuse to conduct the  Christian research about abortion. Christ didn't forget this subject. Revelation tells us not to add or take away from scripture. Why do you think any man today claiming knowledge could know more than Christ? The truth is there. You just need to take the time and effort to find the truth. Homosexuality is a sin, but it is pardonable. How is it going to destroy America? It produces no children. False witness could destroy our nation, but I don't hear any Christians protesting the daily tirade.

    Satan knows methods such as divide and conquer work quite well,
and people love to gossip, especially if the information denigrates 
someone. That automatically makes the gossiper a "higher level" person. Isn't that what we want to be---a bit better than others? I see the smug self righteous church goers, and it's clear they know little or nothing of our Savior or His directions. That's also true of many pastors. Most Americans today are not native Americans because our ancestors came from Europe or other places. I have a leg up on most of you, because I'm a native American through marriage to a Seneca woman. Should you want to learn even more horrible treatment of natives than that of American Indians, research the full history of the development  of Hawaii.

    There's a lot of goodness left in America, but we have to wake up and actually do as Christ directed. People of other religions or no religion can be productive citizens if given the opportunity. The good Samaritan was not a Jew or a Christian, but he did the right thing. This scripture given us by Christ in Luke 10:30-37 directs us in helping others. Explain to me why it is glorious to send missionaries to foreign countries to build schools, hospitals, and houses, to provide medical help, dig wells, and provide other services; but it is wrong to to do this here for the horde of unwanted immigrants. Certainly they are looking for a better place to live, and some may not be desired. The young are especially here to survive, and can provide the same value as our ancestors who were the original immigrants. These are illegal, and that is wrong, but they also mirror the injured man left for dead in the good Samaritan parable. The issue here is not disease, drugs and criminals. The issue is cost, although fear plays a large role. Think how much it costs to send a missionary to Africa. That money could provide even better results right here in America with the immigrants. The local "missionary" would have all kinds of support from the church as well as the government. We can build new schools here, which would provide jobs for some immigrants. If professing Christians, as well as tax exempt churches would put that money to work, America could show the world real Christianity as taught by Christ.

    How much easier it would be if Christians and Christian teachers just followed Christ's teaching. There is a large number of professing 
Christians who say they have accepted Christ's offer, but their reason
was actually to avoid tribulation and receive a pass to Heaven. Then, 
there are those who believe material gifts to the church and religion are multiplied in value and returned to the giver. Look at Matt. 6:19-21.
"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for  yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust  destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where  your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

    Politicians and churches rely more on systems based on money than the blessings of Jesus Christ and God. There is a monumental lack of real faith. Money is necessary on earth, and taxes will always be a hated presence. If we really have faith, we must look at the faith Christ gave us as an example. Seriously consider Matt. 17: 24-27.  I'll only quote verse 27 as Jesus explains why they will pay the tax. "Nevertheless, lest we offend them, go to the sea, cast in a hook, and take  the fish that comes up first. And when you have opened its mouth, you will find  a 'piece of money;' take that and give  it to them for Me and you." That was His statement of faith that God would provide money and substance as needed. Can you spare a dollar for an immigrant? Can you walk the walk of faith? No matter where you place your faith, Christian or not, he gave us the example of the good Samaritan. Where does your heart rest?

Rev. Walbear


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