Sunday, June 21, 2015


                                                            DA MAN

    It would seem sacrilegious to begin a story about education with a slang term such as Da Man. The title reflects not only the work of one man, but also the work of a rural community in the days of the Great Depression and early World War II years. This was a very  serious period of America's history, and provides the reader with an opportunity to examine what has happened to our educational system. One Christian man dedicated much of his time and money to bring a rural one room school in western New York State to a level of excellence, as the people of that community worked together in their approach to learning. 

    Da man and his young family were proprietors of a country general 
store in a rural farming area. There was no village, and the school district centered on a busy four corners with just two stores. Most of the people lived along one of the four roads, with houses and farms lining that road. Some people lived on a gravel road that turned off the main highway and climbed a considerable hill. There was no  public school transportation. Students walked, rode bicycles, or were transported by parents. The students who lived farthest away from the school faced a three mile hike.

    This was not what you'd call a church attending community, because the hard times and hard work on the farms discouraged travel, and the nearest church was four miles from the closest district home. The people did respect Christianity, and had an example in Da Man. He and his family led a life that followed the instructions in the four gospels. He never missed a night's bible reading, doing this after closing the store. When people came to him with a problem, he was there to pray for them, and if help could be given materially, he was generous to a fault.

    His real contribution to the community was his devoted effort to provide an education for the community's youngsters. This was a very small rural district with a very small tax base. Remember, this was in the day of a one cent stamp to mail a letter, and prior to the movement to form school jointures. Youngsters attended these one room schools through eighth grade. When they had completed eighth grade, they had a choice to attend one of the closest high schools. A bus made a round morning and afternoon to pick up these students at various collection sites. There was no door to school transportation. Students still had to walk to a collection point. 

    When old timers tell youngsters today about how tough they had it going to school, there's more truth in the telling than you may think. Some of these students had to walk three miles by road or two miles cross country through fields. In the winter, the secondary road on which they lived often wasn't plowed open until late morning, and they would ski to school, and walk the road home. Parents, many of whom had limited formal education, realized the importance of these local schools. Because of their small number of students, teachers knew what the youngsters' capabilities were, and how well they were progressing. Aptitude and guidance were determined by the teacher.

    Before moving on with information about Da Man, the role of one room school teachers should be appreciated. Using this school as an example, we'll outline a teacher's responsibility. By the way, it was a responsibility, not just a job. This young lady was fresh out of a teachers' college, and newly married. She lived with her  husband on a gravel road about eight miles from the school. In the winter she sometimes had difficulty getting to school in the morning because of unplowed roads. Although the temperature could be below zero, she had to start a fire in the school's pot belly stove. It could take until noon before the school was warm enough for the kids to take off their coats. Desks would be circled around
the stove, with the youngest kids closest to the stove. The teacher did most of the janitorial work and some of the minor repairs. She taught kids ranging from first through eighth grade. Some rural schools with a larger number of kids had two teachers.

    Being a teacher was no picnic, but the overall responsibility for the school was very comprehensive. Da Man was the lone trustee, 
administrator, school board, grounds superintendent, and served as the educational superintendent. He was responsible for the school building, insurance, supplies, finances, record keeping, state reports and any other incidentals. He also was responsible for hiring the teacher. There was no pay of any kind, no reimbursement for out of pocket expenses or labor. The district had few expenses, although all supplies the students needed were furnished, including, books, tablets, pencils, construction paper, paste and musical instruments. Yes, musical instruments. The school had a rhythm band, and that was another responsibility of the teacher. The school had an indoor bathroom (most rural schools didn't), and other costs included electricity and wood for the winter.

    There was no pension of retirement program. If a teacher became ill, it created an emergency because substitutes were usually not available. Nobody gave thought about sick days unless the person was in a long term situation. A short term substitute would usually donate time. There was none of the sass and back talk from students we have today. There was respect for the teacher and for students. There was little emphasis on sports, which were limited to the high schools. Rural kids usually achieved success through academic means because most came from farms where work topped sports.

    These schools should have served as an example of how children could be educated and become solid citizens. There was no huge expenditure for bricks and mortar. There was no insulation. There were no swimming pools, there were no big time athletic programs. The country school did have a library. Imagine that! And citizens didn't have to pay a library tax. I attended this school for three  years, and I know how these students contributed to society. Every one who graduated went on to high school. Every one could read and write. Every one could handle math and spelling. By the time the students who began first grade reached fourth grade, BOTH were advanced to SIXTH grade because of their excellence in
studies at that one room school. And, this skip of a grade was not in that one room school, but in a larger consolidated school.

    Da Man and the teacher provided the materials and instruction that enabled the students to put on special programs for the holiday seasons, especially Christmas. There was music (the teacher played the piano) from the rhythm band, a one act play, and recitations. Santa Claus even paid a visit. I believe every parent and nearby relative filled the little school for this event. The small amount of tax money required for this school was augmented by the support of local people who helped accomplish minor tasks without pay. Da Man provided the school with playground equipment at no cost. He found a set that included three swings, a parallel bar and slide at an abandoned school. He spent several evenings in digging the supports up. They were encased in concrete about two feet thick, and it was all hand digging. Backhoes came into use
several years later. Then, new holes were hand dug on the school grounds, and the equipment was in use.

    Hard to imagine this kind of education today, with outrageous school taxes and so many extras for kids. How could we possibly become teachers, ministers, businessmen, doctors and nurses without today's modern schools? Could it be parents are so stressed out or irresponsible they expect schools to raise their children as well as teach them? Could it be so many parents are financially strapped? Could it be too many broken homes or single parents? Could it be school boards are intimidated and led by administrators? Could it be we, especially Christians, have "bought" the idea that throwing money at schools can replace common sense values? Could it be that some Christians want to limit students to a very narrow understanding of the world?

    We can't force children to learn and we shouldn't try to force everybody to live exactly as we do as individuals or groups. Christ instructed us in the four gospels how to live, and there is not one instruction about forcing anybody to do anything. God created each of us to be different and to use that God-given difference for the good of mankind. Many professing Christians are trampling Christ's teaching, and are now moving to trample the Constitution. Do you think maybe this combination of actions is speeding up the process of Revelation? Christians need lots more time in scripture and a realization of how little common sense exits today.

    How about an example of how things have changed? Da Man didn't attend or graduate from any college or university. In fact, he didn't graduate from high school. Times were hard when he was in school (a rural school), and he quit to go to work to help support his family. He did see the need for more education, and purchased books on math, science, English, history and  geography. This was self education, a sort of home schooling by oneself. He operated two successful businesses and served
many years on a school board in a large district. His dedication was recognized by a plaque bearing his name in a new school he helped build.

Rev. Walbear

PS--The picture is of Da Man and his store. 

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