Monday, June 8, 2015



    Christianity must be based on the teaching and instructions of Jesus Christ. If a particular subject is not included in His words as given us in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we must go elsewhere in inspired scripture to find information, remembering Christ came to fulfill scripture (law), not to continue the expanded Jewish law. He based His teaching on the original law of God, the Ten Commandments, PLUS one commandment He added in Matt. 22:39, to love your neighbor as yourself. The word "abortion" doesn't appear in scripture. That requires us to face the fact that Christ forgot it (?), ignored it, or believed we
would understand the Jewish knowledge of the term. Obviously, He did not ignore or forget it. If we study the Old Testament, we find proof of what happens to a fetus or baby if they die before the age of accountability (13-14). You need to read 2 Sam. 12:18-23, and especially note verse 23. "But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I SHALL GO TO HIM, BUT HE SHALL NOT RETURN TO ME." The Jews knew those below the age of accountability automatically go to the bosom of Abraham (Heaven). Is abortion a sin? If it is used as a method to avoid normal pregnancy, it certainly is. Even so, it is not an
unforgivable sin (Matt. 12:31-32). Only denial of the Holy Spirit is an unpardonable sin. Those who disagree with the above scriptures can only say their opinion is based on the bible. They can not find a single verse of scripture to quote to me. We must also remember other faiths have the right to follow their rules as long as they don't harm Christians. That is in the bible (Matt. 5:43-44), do them no harm.
                                               Now, About Babies

    This message is about babies---all kinds of babies. Usually when
Christians talk about reproduction and babies, they have set-in-cement
opinions. A realistic conclusion requires knowledge of two things:
biology and spirituality. Science and spirituality do work together as 
long as the conclusion is a level headed summary of facts. In many
instances, conclusions are bizarre or based on opinions of people who claim some expertise in the field. Science is basic, but it must be accompanied by spiritual wisdom.

    God has a plan and formula for reproduction of all species. The most common include mammals such as humans and animals, but also covers unusual lesser forms of life. I'm going to address two species here, humans and chickens. We must compare reproduction of all species to arrive at a scientific and spiritual true conclusion. A hen chicken produces eggs. Unless they are fertilized, there will be no offspring. Just fertilizing the eggs will not produce offspring. The fertilized egg must be carried to term---hatched. That is  accomplished by the egg being kept warm in a nest. There is no life resulting from that egg until it is hatched and a chick is born. Things can go wrong resulting in no life. The shell may be too hard to break open, the warming period may be interrupted, etc. If anything like this occurs, there is no new life.

    In humans, the female produces the egg, and also provides the 
"nest", carrying the egg to birth. The egg will simply be cast off if it isn't fertilized. There is no life. If the egg is impregnated by male sperm, we have the process of incubation, similar to the setting of eggs by a chicken. Things may go wrong, resulting in a miscarriage or serious medical problem for the pregnant woman. Because the woman is the "nest" in this situation, it is comparable to the nest of the chicken being fouled by some agent of disease or substance, including the possibility the fertilized egg was in some way not  correct to be carried to term. It is not a life until birth. Read why.

    "Experts" claim the baby stirs in the womb as a fetus, and that is an indication it is a life. It is an indication that the egg is being  advanced towards birth. Inside a chicken egg, you will find a partially formed chick before it is hatched. The human fetus is just going  through the process of being developed for birth. It does not have independent life until birth. This is basic science. Now you need to understand spirituality.

    God made everything and continues to make everything. He also 
made all science and set in motion His plans for everything, including
reproduction. He made angels and other types of beings and created 
man in His image. To make certain we would know what He looked like, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Christ was seen, touched, 
walked, talked, and did everything we humans do EXCEPT sin. Although
we should know what a human looks like, the conservatives on the
United States Supreme Court ruled that a human person should look
like a corporation. They gave corporations all the rights and privileges
of a person, except corporations don't get sent home in body bags. I
digress in my subject of babies to show you government and church
leaders have been content to accept the unGodly definition of a person
while also making a serious error in determining life.

    God does not make babies or any part of babies in Heaven. He did
not make His Son as a baby in Heaven. His power---the Holy Spirit---
impregnated a human woman to produce His earthly Son. The seed
that fertilized the egg came from God. It was not defiled as was man's
seed from the time of man's fall. The seed implanted in Mary included
the soul or Spirit, whichever term you use in your denomination. It is
not a "special delivery" package from Heaven. It is the natural process
of reproduction.

     God does not throw away perfection. A miscarriage is a natural act
to discard something that is not developing correcetly UNLESS the
miscarriage is induced for the purpose of birth control. If the mother's
life is in peril without an abortion, we have medical tests and doctors to determine if a life is to be saved, or two will be lost. If you disagree with the medical experts, you are a murderer. God gave us doctors and equipment to preserve health and life. If we don't follow their advice, we are committing a sin. Read scripture instead of getting involved in a controversy over religion being used to divide not only professing Christians, but the general citizens of America.

Rev. Walbear

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