Well friends, Christians and fellow Americans, I'm not
certain you will be reading this message. After all the
comments and claims I've heard recently, I was absolutely
sure our Constitution guaranteed freedom of religion and
speech. Now I've learned some people have enough clout to
attempt to limit those freedoms. Yep, they have complained
to Google and placed my messages under "review". First, they
removed them, but put them back under review when we wanted
to know why they were removed.
My "Christmas Alive" apparently was the key that resulted
in the wholesale removal of my messages. Since no living
person was identified, there was no attack leveled against
an individual. I identified only Esther from the bible and
Jesus Christ. What I did do, was give word for word from the
King James bible the verses of Romans 13:1-7.
The bible titles these verses "Submit to Government",and
they were written by the Apostle Paul. The Book of Romans has
been considered by Christians to be the "flagship" of the
fleet of Paul's letters. The entire New Testament was written
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and inspired by God.
It, including every single word, is the spiritual manual for
every Christian. There can be no picking and choosing. Either
you try to follow every word of the teaching, or you are a sham
I criticized people who signed petitions after the recent
election asking that their state be permitted to secede from
the United States. We went through this process over 150 years
ago. The results were the death and injury to thousands of
Americans and the end of slavery. In our democracy, we live
by rules set by the free vote of citizens. Our government exists
to protect and mother all states. Our military people protect
everyone in America. Asking to secede from the Union shows a
singular lack of respect for the men and women who have served,
and especially for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. If
you haven't pledged your very life to protect the Constitution,
and you don't have to carry a gun, you DO NOT do the same WORK
as our servicemen and women. They do agree to sacrifice their
life if necessary. Until you make that pledge, you do not work
as hard as they do.
Servicemen and women serve to protect the Constitution and
America no matter who controls our government. They are serving
our nation and the people citizens have freely elected. They do
not serve a political party nor any specific religion. Many
Christians apparently forget the Constitution provides freedom
of religion. I am a Christian minister, but so long as others
worship in their own faith without restricting choice, I cannot
even attempt to block their freedom. If you research the
background of many framers of the Constitution, you will see that
some did not adhere to Christian principles or teaching.
You cannot make scripture say what you might like. It is
clear in its teaching if you study. So is the Constitution.
I support my messages with many verses of scripture as the
foundation for the teaching. I urge you to read Romans 13:1-7,
so you understand the real value of our Constitution and the
teaching of Christ.
Several days after my complaint, the "review" was removed
from the messages, and they remained up. This is the second time
I have experienced censorship of God's Word. If someone wanted
to censor the Word, you'd think they would go after something
like the preaching of the North Carolina pastor who urged parents
to "whack" the limp wrists of their little boys who may show
possible female leanings. A previous attempt to censor a message
was because "they" thought it was too political. It wasn't, and
I stopped messages to that source.
The problem is that some people confuse political beliefs with
religion. They attribute their claims to Constitutional "rights"
or "freedom", but then try to strike down anything that doesn't
match their political philosophy.Here is the truly interesting
part of their argument: they criticize all forms of government
(socialism, communism,etc.)and champion democracy, while denying
the freedoms guaranteed by democracy and the Constitution.They
attempt to use Christ and their church as a foundation for
Godliness. If they studied the history of politics AND the
church, they'd understand the two don't mix. The best example is
Constantine and his decree that a citizen of the empire had to be
a Christian. The Inquisition is another example.
It was difficult for me to understand the attitude of church
people and leaders following the election. They didn't and maybe
still don't believe God is in control of the universe. Because
a conservative lost, America and the world is doomed. According
to my bibles (yes, I refer to several bibles), God created everything
and is in full control of everything. He did not hand America over
to Satan. God and Christ do not teach failure. Why do these people
assume all is lost? Why the concentration on money?
I've been writing these scriptural messages for a long time. It
is pretty clear that the problem is caused by people who have placed
their belief on theocracy--government controlled by a religious
leadership. We already see how that works out with the Muslim
Brotherhood. The Pilgrims left Europe for religious freedom purposes,
but imposed a strict church-government here which included burning
at the stake and the stocks. Man's interpretation of God's Word has
never resulted in a Godly obedient society. If you look at the history
of Israel, His chosen people, you see the cycles of man's actions.
I have to feel very happy that the very Word of the Holy Spirit
as quoted in my messages is so troubling to those who, perhaps
unknowingly, are doing the bidding of Satan. Only Satan would challenge
scripture. These people usually operate under the cloak of darkness.
They can't stand the Light of the World. I would suggest that if you
don't agree with scripture, you are warned in Gen.12:3(to Abram), "I
will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you".
A great deal of hatred has been preached by politicians and leaders
in the past few years. There has been no premium on truth or facts. Now
that hatred is in the form of doom and gloom. God, Christ and the Holy
Spirit are all positive. If you have a negative attitude, you are not
listening to God. Now, for the unknown censor, I extend my prayers,
because you obviously need help from the Holy Spirit. I urge you to read
Romans 13:1-7. This is your instruction to serve God's appointed and
sitting government. Your fight against this directive will only create
the divisiveness and downfall you predict. God is in control of all, now
and forever.You can either support His choice and work for a better
America, or you can speed up the end time. God is patient, but He does
expect eventual obedience.
Rev. Walbear
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