When I heard the voice call out, "Hey, there, sinner!", I didn't have to look
around to see who he was talking to. I was the only person in earshot, so there
was no doubt about it. My ears perked up, because here was somebody
talking to me who obviously knew a great deal about me. He didn't know my
name, but he knew most of everything else. It was amazing I knew who the
voice was, because it was not familiar to me.
Like Samuel, I responded because it was a voice you didn't ignore. There
was authority and strength in it. "You know full well I don't have much tolerance
and patience, but I'm a much gentler soul now," The voice continued. "I am
disturbed by the things I see people doing who claim they are followers of
my Master. The end times are approaching, and I see mostly failures by large
numbers who are recognized by my Master's Name. You know I was called the son of thunder because I did have a troublesome temper. I was also known as "the Hammer". Christ was known as the Carpenter, but they called me the "hammer", behind my back, of course."
"I've been "retired" for many years, but I believe there are some "hammers"
down there in Christianity who can contribute to the Gospel. You're one of the
blessed ones I have appointed to the Hammer Club. You adhere to scripture
and preach or write it as led by the Holy Spirit. You have my encouragement
to proceed to "nail" those that are transforming the very Word of God and the
Master's teaching from His shed blood, to weak wine. So... get at it. Time is
short and the cause is great. God bless!"
Okay. You heard my marching orders. Usually the Holy Spirit leads me, and
I don't believe that will change. However, after listening to (you know who the son of thunder was, right?) I've been energized to go after the church leaders and others who are slowly taking Christians down the road of apostasy. Friends, this is one of the Devil's insidious strategies. By making only a slight change, and by justifying it through man's reasoning, we make a terrible mistake.
I could begin my reviewing the comments of several people who were interviewed by a newspaper. Asked about their feelings about Christmas, not one of them said a word about the birth of Christ. They talked about being with family, holiday feasts, gifts and traveling. Not a single mention of Christ by any of them. I could sort of excuse them because they are excited about holiday and some things they look forward to all year. But, I won't!
Now I get to the insidious strategy of the Devil accepted and passed on by the very people who are recognized and supposed to be leaders in the Christian church. They have used the Devil's careful packaging. They also are happy and think they are accomplishing a secondary goal. I'm talking about the Devil's assault on Christmas Several years ago my wife worked out of state,, so the farm and ministry was mostly my responsibility. I spent many hours working alone, with the radio as company. When the local Christian radio station played Christmas carols and music during the Christmas season, it was most welcome.
Today this station continues playing Christmas music during the period leading up to Christmas Day. There has been a subtle change, however. Now some segments of the musical selections have acquired a "sponsor". It is not hard core advertising, usually just a mention or credit that programing is being presented through the sponsorship of ABC furniture company or Harry's equipment repair. It's just the use of the commercial name and they don't entice you with a sales pitch. Sounds innocent enough until you carefully consider the Word of God and Christ's teaching.
Where in scripture--either the Old or New Testament--can you find any type of example of "sponsorship" or advertising? Did Christ ever teach about commercial success or advertising? Oh, I hear the protests about teaching "abundant life", and that God wants us to have our wishes and prayers fulfilled. Christ taught that abundant life was obtained in heaven, not on earth. So, I ask again...where in scripture did Christ instruct us about sponsorship or advertising? I understand the church leaders stating it is a means to pay for the programming. But... must everything depend on a source of money? Of course, they say. It takes money to run every part of a ministry, and use of money is a responsibility of a good Christian.
On earth, money is a necessary commodity. I can't disagree with that. But, I don't believe in commercializing any aspect of Christianity. Christmas and Easter are so important to Christianity, they should stand alone. We've become so accepting of any type of commercialism that what it represents has become the driving force in our lives. For example, look at the replacement of the traditional holiday football bowl names from Orange, Rose or Sugar to XYZ Orange Bowl or QTU Sugar Bowl. Everything has to have a commercial sponsor.
So what's the harm? The harm is that the Devil now has an inside track into the very heart of Christianity. If man can extract money for the simple repetition of any name--commercial or not--to justify Christianity, it will eventually be a necessity. It may take a while, but the money trail is never ending. Extracting money is humanistic, it is secular. Churches and ministries need to raise money. They need to be very careful how they go about it.
Consider the numerous "big" ministries that found themselves in both money and leadership problems. These organizations realized great growth and had wide ranging outreaches for funds. People recognize money success, and when that can be coupled with America's obsession with growth, the formula for growth is being realized.
A sponsor probably feels pretty good about helping to finance something like Christmas music. That's fine. But he could understand the real joy and contentment of a Christian by giving the sponsorship money anonymously. After all, God knows where the money comes from and heart of the giver.
Church leaders bear the burden of placing sponsors for basic Christian worship activities into an enticement coupling giving with recognition. We see much teaching in the New Testament concerning the desire by those who are community and church leaders to have a special (or higher) standing due to financial standing or gain.
The "nail" for this hammer is that Christmas music, if it must be sponsored, should be sponsored anonymously, and both the sponsors and amount of donation should be kept very private. The most important Christian dates are the target by church leaders and misled donors. You can't lower God, Christ and the Holy Spirit to the level of money.
If you are a serious reader of the Old Testament, you know that a "seat at the gate" was a position for a community leader, usually a judge. Matters, both domestic and civil, were brought to these people for consideration. I will take this seat at the gate very seriously.
Rev. Walbear
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