The traditional Christmas message is alive with us every day, and when we think of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to give us the opportunity for eternal life, we should carefully consider our life today. Saved or unsav
The traditional Christmas message is alive with us every day, and when we think of the sacrifice Jesus Christ made to give us the opportunity for eternal life, we should carefully consider our life today. Saved or unsav
ed, Christian or Atheist, this message is all about you. As usual, the Holy Spirit delivers these "holiday" messages through unusual channels. Our scriptural background is not in specific verses, but the entire Book of Esther from the Old Testament. How amazing that Book ties in with the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the New
Before I begin, please note that the Jewish people in this book have been scattered through captivity. While the opportunity to return to Jerusalem has been given them, most did not return. They are out of the "Will of God", which I have spoken about in a previous message. That does not mean they are destined for disaster because they are not where God wants them to be. Please look carefully at the characters in this message. Jesus Christ is the star, but there are three supporting actresses, including Esther. The other two ladies
are from Russia and the United States.
If you read the Book of Esther, you will know the part she portrays. I'll highlight a bit of that later. Now we will turn to the first of two actual living characters in America. Both are citizens. Number one was born in Russia and was placed in an orphanage. She had an opportunity to visit the United States through a program that offered the possibility to be adopted by an American family. She desperately
wanted to come to America, but was near the cutoff age for children to be accepted for adoption.
Her dream was realized, and she came to America and became a citizen. Like so many other immigrants of 100 years ago, she wanted to embrace the American customs, language and society. She did, and became main stream America. Upon graduation from high school (she was an excellent student), she joined the U.S. Navy. Some immigrants received citizenship by serving in the U.S. military, but she
already had her citizenship.
When you enter the armed services, you take an oath or pledge. In this, you faithfully promise to defend the U.S. Constitution with your very life, if necessary. That's correct. You pledge under oath to God to defend that document through the very loss of your life. It's not just a job or responsibility. It's your life, if that's what the situation calls for. Christ gave His life for us, and a military person pledges
his/her life for us. They cannot provide salvation, but they can provide freedom. It is a pledge of life not required in other occupations, although police and fire personnel face serious consequences at times.
The third supporting character is an American citizen by birth. She is employed and part of a normal American community. She recently stated she signed a petition for her state to secede from the United States because that privilege was provided by our Constitution. It was an act of protest--part of that freedom--because she was
not pleased with the outcome of our election. A letter to the editor of a local newspaper critical of her action brought forth her defense. I want us (you, too) to carefully examine that defense. This is not political, as some may think. It is about how we tend to arrive at our personal beliefs.
There is no life or death pledge or oath for a citizen born in America. You get the entire package free. The Russian lady pledged her life blood to our Constitution and Esther pledged her life, if necessary to save her people. Both these situations, although different, involve life or death, depending on God's providence. Even if a person or nation is out of the Will of God, He is watching, and, don't forget, He is always in full control. The threat to Esther was immediate. If the king refused to receive her at the throne, it meant death. Our navy lady doesn't know when or if she will be asked to give the ultimate sacrifice. In both situations, they placed or
place their fate in God's hands to serve their people.
Now we meet the third supporting character in our story. Remember, this is a true story about real people living today. It will take more words to address the reasoning of this character. She was accused of treasonous acts because of her petition signature seeking that her state secede from the Union. She responded to that
accusation by quoting the U.S. Constitution that defines the act as "applying only to levying war against the State, or adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to them." Her accuser was merely saying that rebellion against a legally elected leader is "treason in spirit." You're either for this entire nation's leaders, or as one
ex-president said, "you're against us." Our military personnel don't have that choice. They are sworn to defend our Constitution to the death. They can't pack up and go home because they don't like the "people's choice". They must act like responsible adults, not whiny losers. They quote "we the people", but they don't represent the
majority in a democracy.
The further reasoning of this woman attacked our educational system because she felt the letter writer wasn't properly educated. She said he didn't know the
Constitution. I wonder if she ever pledged allegiance to our flag? That flag represents all Americans, not just those with a personal agenda. I will quote scripture dealing with each person's responsibility to government a bit later. First, I want to point out a couple of other things she said that are dead wrong.
She lauds our military, but says they aren't the only people who fight. Others just don't carry guns, she continues. There's a big difference between facing bullets and bombs under all types of conditions and doing ANY other type of work. She insults all veterans, and brushes aside the sacrifice of family and life of soldiers. She says "we" (the dissidents) take the time to educate ourselves and pay
Now we get to the motive of this person. She states she's praying that her "hard earned money" wasn't used to pay for these poor people's supposed education. Her interest in all this phony rant about our terrible governmental leaders is money. These, of course, are the ones "we the people in the majority of a historical democracy just elected to lead our nation." Again, I probably will be accused of being political.
ON THE CONTRARY! READ THIS SCRIPTURE: Romans 13:1-7. If you are a Christian, these are your marching orders as delivered by Paul. "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain for he is Gods minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore you must be subject , not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due; taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
There is nothing political in Paul's directions. The woman worried that her money may have paid for some leader's education. She wasn't worried about the future of our nation and praying for the guidance of our leaders. She certainly isn't "up" on the very Word of God, so she hasn't paid attention to this most precious of all education. Remember the response of Christ when asked about paying taxes? See Matt. 22:18-21. "But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, 'Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? show Me the tax money.' So they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them, 'Whose image and inscription is this?' They said to Him, 'Caesar's.' And He said to them, 'Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's'"
Everything belongs to God. That includes all material things, including money. God is always in control, even when people or a nation are out of His Will. If you doubt my teaching, go back to the Book of Esther. She and the Jews who didn't return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and city were out of the Will of God. Even so, His plan was still working, and He was directing the show. Esther, a Jewess, was the queen of one of the worst king's in history. He was persuaded by a Jew hater to sign a decree directing the death of all Jews and collection of their possessions to be given the king's treasury.
When a decree was given, it became law, and could not be changed, even by the king or person who wrote it. When the lot was cast to set a date, God caused the date to be about one year from the decree. You see, although the Jews were out of His Will, they were still His people, and part of His plan. They always will be. He keeps His covenants. This was enough time for action to prevent the extinction of the Jews. Esther was the only person God had available to prevent the disaster, and she (although it was not known she was a Jew) was placed in her role by God for this very purpose.
To save her people she had to accept the possibility of sacrificing her life by appealing to her husband, the king. She had already seen former Queen Vashti removed from the throne for disobeying the king's order. If the king refused to accept her into the court without his personal invitation, it meant death. If you don't read the entire book of Esther, you are missing a wonderful story and a true Christmas message.
Esther didn't have to sacrifice her life, and her action did save her people. God used her, just as He could use any of our military personnel. They put their life where their mouth is, and it has nothing to do with misconceived lack of education or use of money. It has to do with character and true Godly values. It has to do with being willing to sacrifice your life, if necessary, for the GOOD OF ALL. At this Christmas season, we as Christians should understand the priceless gift of salvation we receive at only the cost of our sincere and honest acceptance through Christ's sacrifice. When we equate hard work or perceived higher intellect to be on the same level as the sacrifice pledged by Christ or our military people, we really do need to not only go back to school, but also to study scripture and stay
awake in church and Sunday school.
This Christmas, give serious thought to the sacrifice others have made to enable you to observe the joyous occasion of our Savior's birth. Even Atheists and people of other faiths can appreciate the sacrifice of life for others...except some Americans who overlook Mark 12:31, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." We are one nation, under God, and He is in full charge, now and forever. Yes, I am a veteran, and her words seared my soul.
Rev. Walbear
PS--This is the Rev's webmistress. The picture used here is of Pearl Harbor. Today is Pearl Harbor Day, and I thought it fitting in talking of sacrifice and military sacrifice for our freedom, that we mention that and thank all Veterans, but especially remember those that were at Pearl Harbor today.
Before I begin, please note that the Jewish people in this book have been scattered through captivity. While the opportunity to return to Jerusalem has been given them, most did not return. They are out of the "Will of God", which I have spoken about in a previous message. That does not mean they are destined for disaster because they are not where God wants them to be. Please look carefully at the characters in this message. Jesus Christ is the star, but there are three supporting actresses, including Esther. The other two ladies
are from Russia and the United States.
If you read the Book of Esther, you will know the part she portrays. I'll highlight a bit of that later. Now we will turn to the first of two actual living characters in America. Both are citizens. Number one was born in Russia and was placed in an orphanage. She had an opportunity to visit the United States through a program that offered the possibility to be adopted by an American family. She desperately
wanted to come to America, but was near the cutoff age for children to be accepted for adoption.
Her dream was realized, and she came to America and became a citizen. Like so many other immigrants of 100 years ago, she wanted to embrace the American customs, language and society. She did, and became main stream America. Upon graduation from high school (she was an excellent student), she joined the U.S. Navy. Some immigrants received citizenship by serving in the U.S. military, but she
already had her citizenship.
When you enter the armed services, you take an oath or pledge. In this, you faithfully promise to defend the U.S. Constitution with your very life, if necessary. That's correct. You pledge under oath to God to defend that document through the very loss of your life. It's not just a job or responsibility. It's your life, if that's what the situation calls for. Christ gave His life for us, and a military person pledges
his/her life for us. They cannot provide salvation, but they can provide freedom. It is a pledge of life not required in other occupations, although police and fire personnel face serious consequences at times.
The third supporting character is an American citizen by birth. She is employed and part of a normal American community. She recently stated she signed a petition for her state to secede from the United States because that privilege was provided by our Constitution. It was an act of protest--part of that freedom--because she was
not pleased with the outcome of our election. A letter to the editor of a local newspaper critical of her action brought forth her defense. I want us (you, too) to carefully examine that defense. This is not political, as some may think. It is about how we tend to arrive at our personal beliefs.
There is no life or death pledge or oath for a citizen born in America. You get the entire package free. The Russian lady pledged her life blood to our Constitution and Esther pledged her life, if necessary to save her people. Both these situations, although different, involve life or death, depending on God's providence. Even if a person or nation is out of the Will of God, He is watching, and, don't forget, He is always in full control. The threat to Esther was immediate. If the king refused to receive her at the throne, it meant death. Our navy lady doesn't know when or if she will be asked to give the ultimate sacrifice. In both situations, they placed or
place their fate in God's hands to serve their people.
Now we meet the third supporting character in our story. Remember, this is a true story about real people living today. It will take more words to address the reasoning of this character. She was accused of treasonous acts because of her petition signature seeking that her state secede from the Union. She responded to that
accusation by quoting the U.S. Constitution that defines the act as "applying only to levying war against the State, or adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to them." Her accuser was merely saying that rebellion against a legally elected leader is "treason in spirit." You're either for this entire nation's leaders, or as one
ex-president said, "you're against us." Our military personnel don't have that choice. They are sworn to defend our Constitution to the death. They can't pack up and go home because they don't like the "people's choice". They must act like responsible adults, not whiny losers. They quote "we the people", but they don't represent the
majority in a democracy.
The further reasoning of this woman attacked our educational system because she felt the letter writer wasn't properly educated. She said he didn't know the
Constitution. I wonder if she ever pledged allegiance to our flag? That flag represents all Americans, not just those with a personal agenda. I will quote scripture dealing with each person's responsibility to government a bit later. First, I want to point out a couple of other things she said that are dead wrong.
She lauds our military, but says they aren't the only people who fight. Others just don't carry guns, she continues. There's a big difference between facing bullets and bombs under all types of conditions and doing ANY other type of work. She insults all veterans, and brushes aside the sacrifice of family and life of soldiers. She says "we" (the dissidents) take the time to educate ourselves and pay
Now we get to the motive of this person. She states she's praying that her "hard earned money" wasn't used to pay for these poor people's supposed education. Her interest in all this phony rant about our terrible governmental leaders is money. These, of course, are the ones "we the people in the majority of a historical democracy just elected to lead our nation." Again, I probably will be accused of being political.
ON THE CONTRARY! READ THIS SCRIPTURE: Romans 13:1-7. If you are a Christian, these are your marching orders as delivered by Paul. "Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same. For he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear the sword in vain for he is Gods minister, an avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore you must be subject , not only because of wrath, but also for conscience sake. For because of this you also pay taxes, for they are God's ministers attending continually to this very thing. Render therefore to all their due; taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
There is nothing political in Paul's directions. The woman worried that her money may have paid for some leader's education. She wasn't worried about the future of our nation and praying for the guidance of our leaders. She certainly isn't "up" on the very Word of God, so she hasn't paid attention to this most precious of all education. Remember the response of Christ when asked about paying taxes? See Matt. 22:18-21. "But Jesus perceived their wickedness, and said, 'Why do you test Me, you hypocrites? show Me the tax money.' So they brought Him a denarius. And He said to them, 'Whose image and inscription is this?' They said to Him, 'Caesar's.' And He said to them, 'Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's'"
Everything belongs to God. That includes all material things, including money. God is always in control, even when people or a nation are out of His Will. If you doubt my teaching, go back to the Book of Esther. She and the Jews who didn't return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and city were out of the Will of God. Even so, His plan was still working, and He was directing the show. Esther, a Jewess, was the queen of one of the worst king's in history. He was persuaded by a Jew hater to sign a decree directing the death of all Jews and collection of their possessions to be given the king's treasury.
When a decree was given, it became law, and could not be changed, even by the king or person who wrote it. When the lot was cast to set a date, God caused the date to be about one year from the decree. You see, although the Jews were out of His Will, they were still His people, and part of His plan. They always will be. He keeps His covenants. This was enough time for action to prevent the extinction of the Jews. Esther was the only person God had available to prevent the disaster, and she (although it was not known she was a Jew) was placed in her role by God for this very purpose.
To save her people she had to accept the possibility of sacrificing her life by appealing to her husband, the king. She had already seen former Queen Vashti removed from the throne for disobeying the king's order. If the king refused to accept her into the court without his personal invitation, it meant death. If you don't read the entire book of Esther, you are missing a wonderful story and a true Christmas message.
Esther didn't have to sacrifice her life, and her action did save her people. God used her, just as He could use any of our military personnel. They put their life where their mouth is, and it has nothing to do with misconceived lack of education or use of money. It has to do with character and true Godly values. It has to do with being willing to sacrifice your life, if necessary, for the GOOD OF ALL. At this Christmas season, we as Christians should understand the priceless gift of salvation we receive at only the cost of our sincere and honest acceptance through Christ's sacrifice. When we equate hard work or perceived higher intellect to be on the same level as the sacrifice pledged by Christ or our military people, we really do need to not only go back to school, but also to study scripture and stay
awake in church and Sunday school.
This Christmas, give serious thought to the sacrifice others have made to enable you to observe the joyous occasion of our Savior's birth. Even Atheists and people of other faiths can appreciate the sacrifice of life for others...except some Americans who overlook Mark 12:31, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." We are one nation, under God, and He is in full charge, now and forever. Yes, I am a veteran, and her words seared my soul.
Rev. Walbear
PS--This is the Rev's webmistress. The picture used here is of Pearl Harbor. Today is Pearl Harbor Day, and I thought it fitting in talking of sacrifice and military sacrifice for our freedom, that we mention that and thank all Veterans, but especially remember those that were at Pearl Harbor today.
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