Friday, December 28, 2012


                                           DANIEL STUDY THREE


    In the previous two studies of Daniel, we have followed the Jewish captives
to Babylon and through the first two chapters of that book. As we continue,
we'll see how God works to bring His glory and power to the understanding
of Nebuchadnezzar. We will also see how difficult it is for a man or woman
blessed with talent to keep from being overpowered by pride. That is Satan's
final point of attack to destroy the work possible through God's gifts. In this
study, we will also see a major and vital response that comes naturally to
all of us. See if you pick up this flaw in our understanding before I point it out.

                                                    Daniel Three

    Although the king now realizes and understands the power and glory of the
God in Heaven, he is, after all, human, and, like most successful people, takes
pride in his accomplishments. After all, Daniel's interpretation of the image
revealed that the king has the greatest kingdom ever on earth. How much better
can it get? While the king can accept the sovereignty of God over all, he still
needs to have the glory of his feat. Pride takes over, and he sets about making
a giant human image to represent him and impress the people. Although the
king recognizes the God in Heaven, the millions of people scattered in the
dozens of provinces still worship all kinds of gods and idols. This idol, because
of its size and structure of gold, will represent the greatness of the king and the
peoples' association of him as the idol.

     This idol was really impressive. It was from 90 to 100 feet tall, and composed
of gold. Think how much that would represent in dollars. It was likely on a pedestal,
making it even more impressive. The idol was placed in the midst of a vast, level
plain about six miles southeast of Babylon. There was lots of room for viewers, and
it was needed because the king made the unveiling of it a holiday with mandatory
attendance and worship. Follow along with me in chapter three.

    Called to the event were all the chief officials of all the kingdom's provinces, 
including governors, administrators, judges and counselors. There was an
organized musical program which included all types of instruments. The people
were commanded to fall down and worship the image upon hearing the music.
Anyone who failed to worship the image would be cast into a burning fiery

    This was an opportunity for those displaced by the Jewish boys as leaders of
the king's council to get rid of these upstarts. The Chaldeans watched Daniel's
three friends, certain they would not bow to an idol. For some reason, Daniel was
not at the big event. In 3:8-12, these Chaldeans tattled to Nebuchadnezzar that
the Jewish boys didn't bow down. With the absolute power the king had, he was
not accustomed to having an order disobeyed, and he flew into a rage. The king
had the three boys brought to him and gave them a final chance to obey the
order of worship. Daniel 3:14-18 gives us the perfect example of being true to
God in the face of a horrible death. All they had to do was bow down. Would you 
defy the order? I frequently see Christians breaking God's directions and excusing
their actions because of self righteousness. 

    Up to this point in our study, we have seen Nebuchadnezzar become a believer
in the true God in Heaven because of description and interpretation of dreams. Now 
he will continue his education through physical belief. He orders the furnace fire to
be heated seven times hotter than usual. The boys told the king their God could not
only deliver them from harm, but He could also deliver them from the hand of the
king. Study Dan. 3:15-16 to see total faith at work. Oh, if only we all could count
on faith this strong! Of course, this only increased the rage of the king, if that were

    The king had mighty men of valour from his army bind the three Jews and throw
them into he furnace. The flames of the furnace were so fierce these soldiers were
burned to death. The Jews, bound, were thrown into the furnace.  Now the king
was introduced into the second phase of his learning about the God in Heaven.
Nebuchadnezzar saw four people moving about within the furnace and the flames.
He was astonished, because the three boys should have been burned alive. All
the fire did was burn off the bonds. There was no smell of smoke on the boys, and
not a hair on their head was singed.

    In dealing with non believers and lukewarm Christians, the most difficult task for
a committed Christian is to explain the power of God. The "how do you know"
question is a tough one. For almost everyone, "seeing is believing" is a sort of
human law. We accept the "magic" of television transmission though we don't see
the waves; the same is true of radio and the internet. Yet, somehow (the Devil
knows) we have difficulty accepting spiritual movements. Even when we see
a spiritual miracle with our own eyes, we have skepticism. What's worse. we have
to deal with the doubts expressed by others who didn't see the activity. As time 
passes, more doubt seeps into our mind, and eventually we won't believe the
action we saw.

    That happened frequently to people in scripture, especially before Christ
arrived on the scene. It is happening today. I've had people who say they are
Christians tell me they don't believe in the Immaculate Conception or in the
resurrection. Yet, they claim they are Christians. God knew that Nebuchadnezzar
needed another lesson in His power, and this fiery furnace was the setting.
Required, besides the furnace, were three people with an unending belief in
God. With Daniel's three friends, He had the believers. These three relied
completely and totally on God's power and protection.

    Now the king saw the three Jews walking about in the furnace, paying no
heed to the flames or heat. He also saw a fourth figure. In Daniel 3:25. the king
exclaims, "I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not
hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God." This is an amazing comment
from the king because we are generations away from Christ's birth. Because he
is a man of superior intelligence and study, he may be referring to Isaiah 9:6. The
writing of the prophets was history, not only of Jews, but of kingdoms. Or, he
could be referring to an angel of the Lord. 

    He knew what he and others saw, and it was a miracle that clearly showed the
supreme power of the God of Israel. To him, this WAS seeing is believing. Yet, as
we shall see a bit later, he still needed to be reassured. This miracle caused the
king to make a decree (Daniel 3:29) to forbid anyone in the kingdom to speak
anything amiss against the God of the Jews. The three fire survivors were
promoted on the spot. How wonderful to have the strength of conviction Daniel
and his friends had. They had absolutely no doubt. They lived and placed their
lives in the hand of God.

    Friends, I pray you never have to be tested as these Jewish boys were. If you
are, how do you think you will fare? There is only one way to be prepared for
such a test, and that is by the study and complete acceptance of the Word of
God and enduring life through Christ's shed blood. You must devote your life
to Him. Christ devoted His life for us. We can do no less. In the next study, we
meet some of Daniel's friends in their home.

Rev. Walbear

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