Saturday, September 26, 2015


                                           NOW YOU KNOW    

    Why the change in message content lately, I've been asked? There
has been quite a change, as the messages have moved somewhat  away from interpretive teaching to the increasing danger of trying to  justify changing Christ's very words. Rather than spreading the "good  news," professing Christians are preaching required changes in  subjects and issues Christ never even mentioned. Instead of bringing more people to salvation and into the church, non Christians are being turned off to Christ's real message. This is escalating division and hatred, even within the church. These narrow minded do-gooders don't seem to understand Christ's GREAT COMMISSION. I urge every professing Christian to read Christ's instructions as quoted below.

    Matt. 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded  you and, lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." That's pretty simple and specific instruction. See Mark: 15:15 for the identical directive. Luke has the same information, but expands it a bit for more clear understanding. See Luke 24:44, where He makes it very clear the teaching should be issues He described, not things other writers entered in the bible. In verse 45, Christ says He opened their UNDERSTANDING that they might understand the scriptures. This is where today's Christians get off the path. They move into new issues Christ never mentioned. You should notice most of these people have chosen an issue they never had a problem with, so they were "sin free." John is the fourth writer of the gospels, and you have to read the last few verses of chapter 21, where Christ tells the disciples to feed His sheep, with the feed being His words (teaching). If you were ever in the military, you know you must follow commands of a superior ranking person. You cannot make additions or subtractions.

    If you say you have the Christian faith, you must have committed your life to Christ. What was your primary reason? If your reason was to spend eternity in Heaven, you made a verbal commitment. Your primary reason has to be to become Christ-like in your life, and it has to be written in your heart. The mansions in Heaven are a benefit added to the salvation package. Christ becomes your employer, and we know employers don't give benefits to employees who don't do their jobs. Salvation means you're a worker for Christ. It doesn't mean you can try to sell another product of a different brand or one that is not a pure product. 

    Christ tells you all you need to know to make a sale or to help someone who has an inferior product. If you're pushing something else, you aren't His employee. Any good employee is required to know and understand his product. He is also required to be honest and truthful. He cannot make false claims. If you claim you are of the Christian faith, you MUST meet these qualifications for Christ's Company of Eternal Life. There are many faiths in America, and many worship the God of Abraham, as do Jews and Christians. The belief in Christ as the Son of God is the difference. Many of these non- Christians are good people, and should not be shunned. These people are, after all, candidates to become Christians.

    Because our ministry has no financial support from any church or organization and we have no personal private pension, we have been able to continue our fee-less services largely through the help of secular folks and organizations. It's pretty tough sometimes, but when Christians didn't help, folks in the secular world did. Some of them are now Christians. When Christ added that extra Eleventh Commandment (Matt. 22:35-40) to love thy neighbor, Christ always taught the principle to be nice; He never taught hatred, which is being taught in many churches today, as well as many Christian media outlets. The four gospels are our text books outlining what we should preach. Anything else is our opinion or an attempt to mix together current events with a commandment or writing of
some other person.

    If you are not familiar with the Old Testament, you will have a difficult time understanding why God sent Christ to earth. It all began when Abraham listened to God's call for someone to believe in him. Man wasn't searching for God; He was looking for a man. Man was created in the image of God and His Son. The fall of Adam and Eve was tragic, but current day (right now) Conservatives on the United States Supreme Court have ruled that likeness no longer  exists. They have ruled that a corporation has all the benefits of an American citizen, all except serving in our military and dying. That privilege is reserved for men and women of flesh and blood. Why hasn't the Christian church and pastors rallied against this? They complained when retail giants refused to permit employees to use the traditional greeting of Merry Christmas. Now it's Season's Greetings. Could it be money influenced the Court and business?

    God could see this coming, and had a plan in place because He  knew free choice was wonderful, but men weren't. Isaiah prophesied 755 years before Christ was born that God would send the Messiah to give mankind the simple rules of living correctly as well as the opportunity to have eternal life. The Jews knew about eternal life, although the religious leaders were split on this belief. Satan always challenges God's people with individuals who accept an invitation to dispute God's sovereignty. Look at Isaiah 7:14, 15. "Therefore the  Lord Himself will give you a sign; Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Emmanuel. Butter and honey shall  he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and choose the good."

    The Book of Isaiah should be required reading for every Christian,
because he was perhaps the greatest prophet of all and gives the
foundation for John the Baptist and Christ. If you seriously spend the time to put together the long term repetition of warnings in the writing of the Old Testament prophets, you will see God's plan. His chosen people did not withstand Satan's wiles any better than today's Christians. Rather than deliver Christ's message, many Christians are being told the acceptance of His offer is all they need to do. They accept His sacrifice for their transgressions and think that qualifies them for eternal life. Since they are cleansed by Christ's shed blood, they are better than other people who are committing perceived sins Christ didn't mention or teach. That has proven to be an excellent way for power hungry leaders to build a following. And, this includes some of the pastors of America's largest churches.

    People of other or no faith ask me why Christians aren't following their prophet Christ, who gave them the wisdom of life. They see so  many who seem to brag about being superior because they claim to be Christians. They point out to me that the writings of their people are much the same as Christ's. They have radicals who attempt to bully others into vicious life styles, much like what they see and hear from so many "fervent" Christian followers. Many leaders of our  churches are agreeing with the politicians who are basing their hopes of election on false religious issues. It is recorded in the Book of Samuel the difference between God's rule and the rule of a human king. 

    America is sending missionaries to foreign nations, where there is potential for converts. How does a missionary explain to someone from a country where killing of gays is taking place that American Christians are any different? How do they tell a citizen of Ireland that allowing a woman to die for lack of needed medical abortion is any different than prohibiting abortion in America? That type of religious decision is plain and simple murder. Friends, please note that this ruling was by men. Our politicians in Washington and some selected states do not name women to committees dealing with women's issues. Do you think these "faith claimers" are totally ignorant of Christ's life and women's devotion to his support and loyalty before and after His death? 

    Many Christians in other countries suffer for their belief and actions, facing death. They follow Christ's teaching. Our "faith claimer" leaders only worry about COST and election. Their walk is not Christian, and only continues the selfishness and cowardice of American men. If you aren't privileged to be a conservative white man in America, you  are a second class citizen. Christ didn't shut the door on people of other races and utilized women's leadership. The desperate attempt by "faith claimer" leaders to retain a  strangle hold on our government is Satan's clever giant step that will devastate Christianity in America. Christians must return to the four gospels and drop their pet perceived sins. 

Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me." (John 14:6) If you want to push your brand of Christianity, you need to give some thought to the most common sins "enjoyed" by large numbers of professing Christians such as false witness (lies) and infidelity. Oh, my!!! I understand why there aren't demonstrations against these...ignorance and the desire to show your superiority. God help us!

Rev. Walbear


Friday, September 18, 2015


                                            A CUP OF HEMLOCK

    Satan had a satisfied smile as he sat back in his favorite easy chair. He was enjoying his "tea time" cup of hemlock, and he saw one of his favorite agents at a nearby table. Waving the agent over to join him, he rose from the chair, and greeted the agent with a high five. The agent joined Satan, and lifted his cup of hemlock to offer a toast to a man from Missouri. They both savored their cups of hemlock. While hemlock is a deadly poison to humans, it is the drink of preference for Satan and his demons. You do recall that Satan's chief agents are powerful fallen angels, right? Refer to Rev. 12:7-9. All angels are powerful, even the fallen ones.

    "And war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.  So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old,  called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." Christ directs and sends heavenly angels to help us, and these fallen angels are Satan's workers who oppose all of mankind.
There are three things to remember: they are among us on earth, they have great power, and they target people who profess to be Christians. Now, add that word "deceive," from the scripture above, and you see Satan's method of operation.

    We need to go all the way to the last book in scripture (Rev.) to see that Satan and his workers are on earth. We were told that way back in Job. Go to Job 1:6-7. "Now there was a day when the  sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and  Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, 'From where do you come?' So Satan answered the Lord and said, 'From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.'" We should keep in mind Satan and the fallen angels live here, they have super power, they are organized and directed by a very egotistical and sharp leader, and their main objective is to deceive us.

    Christ depends on Christians to spread the gospel, His directions for living a Christ-like life. The Holy Ghost has given us a window here to observe Satan as he pats himself on the back. He now orders them up another cup of hemlock. "San Lukey, you added frosting to the cake today at that Missouri school board meeting." Satan was referring to a recent school board meeting in Missouri where a male board member stated, "women are only good for laying on their backs with their legs in the air, flailing." There were about 30 citizens at the meeting, and the president of the board is a woman. The board voted 4-3 to censure the director for his statement. One of the dissenting voters, a man, defended the board member. According to my study of scripture, God created a woman, as we are told in Gen. 2:18 and 2:21-24. It appears many men never studied scripture, because they are totally ignorant of God's purpose for woman's creation.

     Let's examine that purpose as given in the verses above. God said He would make man a HELPER, not a sex toy or baby factory. Verse 24 
makes it clear a woman and man joined together in marriage are no
longer separate beings, but one being. The woman is not to be owned or a slave. She is to be valued as a helper that Adam needed because there was nothing or no one to perform needed responsibilities. There was no sexual direction until after the fall. If Adam had not eaten of the forbidden fruit, the seed of sin would not exist to curse mankind. Christian men should consider the conception and birth of Christ to understand their place in sin. The woman is not responsible for the curse from eating the fruit. If she carried the seed of sin, Christ would not have been born sinless. There was no man on earth that did not carry the seed of sin. The power of the Holy Spirit (God) had to be the Father of Christ. Men should understand you do not order a helper of any gender to do anything sexual, or try to force a sexual issue by passing laws. God made the man as a leader, not a dictator. Real  Godly leaders should follow Christ's (God's) directions only.

    We rejoin our observation of Satan and San Lukeys as they're about to take a third cup of hemlock. This is a really great day. Satan is chuckling as he asks his agent, "Have we had any demonstrations or preaching about the Seventh Commandment lately?" San Lukey proudly answered, "I can't remember a one." Satan laughed as he asked, "Not even from any of those pastors or fake Christians?" San Lukey was practically glowing as he responded, "No, Sir. And better yet, there have been no demonstrations against the Tenth Commandment." Satan was now really into 'his cups.' as he added yet a third victory. "They not only ignore the commandments from God, they demonstrate against Christ's Eleventh Commandment.
Thanks to these misguided would-be Christians, things are moving closer and closer to the end for believers."

     San Lukey said with disbelief, "The Seventh Commandment is only 
five words, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' yet hardly a week goes by that some Christian pastor doesn't break this commandment. Some keep it quiet, but enough goes public to help us out. Some of the other faiths have strict laws and punishment for adultery, but professing Christians usually try to bury it. They get people's attention by coming out with speeches or demonstrations against a commandment they made up---Opposition to Abortion. Although scripture doesn't even have the word anywhere and Christ never mentioned it, they have given it top billing as a Christian principle. Men love it, because men can't have abortions. It's so easy to hate something you can't be guilty of."

    "Ah, yes," Satan said as he caught his breath from laughing so hard.
And these self righteous pretenders don't demonstrate against the Tenth Commandment because they all violate it frequently. What somebody else has that you can't have creates envy. Envy is a major part of human nature. God said, "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thy shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, not his manservant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's." San Lukey chimed in, "They envy the neighbor's wife, then commit adultery, all the while preaching and demonstrating their violation of Christ's Eleventh Amendment." 

    Satan smacked his lips as he wrapped up his great advancements in destroying the Christian church. "Christ taught them in Matt. 22:39the added Eleventh Commandment, 'Ye shall love your neighbor as yourself.' The United States is now preaching racial hatred that is actually worse than the problem was before the Civil War. Then it was preached because of money. The plantation owners wanted free labor. Some merchants in the North made huge profits bringing slaves to America as part of trade."

    "Supporting this racial hatred makes the sinners feel superior, and they have the power to carry off this deepening sin. Fortunately for us, many of the people who are real Christians don't know or understand the terrible life style these hated people have come to partially accept," San Lukey added with satisfaction. "These sinners have promoted our agenda of claiming the U.S. Constitution is being violated. They don't know or understand that document any better than scripture. They talk about losing freedom---the right to keep slaves, prevent citizens from voting, lie and misrepresent issues, slander, and return women to the status of chattel, all in the name of Christianity."

     "You and your associates are doing a great job, San Lukey," Satan
concluded as he drained his fourth cup of hemlock. "We're having more
and more of these days, thanks to all the false claims, lies and personal
attacks on the genuine Christians. Feed the sheeples the food they like
and desire, always deceive them, make them fear the unknown and by'
all means keep them away from truth and education." San Lukey agreed,
taking note that the non Christian world was pretty well on the road to
Hell, giving Satan's army more than enough opportunity to eliminate
real believers of the faith." 

    Satan, San Lukey, and their co-workers went back to work, AND
THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOU. Be aware. Seek the truth. Your opportunity
to join Christ in the future is NOW.

Rev. Walbear 

Saturday, September 12, 2015


                                                    CONFUSED CHRISTIANS
The Christian church in the United States is crumbling, and the major cause is the confusion by its members. I see, hear and look at comments and statements by professing Christians that have absolutely no root in Jesus Christ's teaching. I take heart, however, from the understanding of many non Christians and people of other faiths. Many seem to know much more scripture than those who claim their conscience and actions reflect their faith. What faith might that be? Christ didn't teach it, Moses didn't teach it. Oh, yes! It's the faith based on commandments Christ apparently forgot. I shudder when these pretenders attribute their actions, not to Christ's teaching in the four gospels, but to God, Himself. If non believers in Christ as the Son of God can understand His teaching, why can't professing Christians understand it? Worse yet, how can it be that people of other faiths understand it better?
Of course the answer is simple. All these professing Christians have not really read or studied scripture, especially the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. All of Christ's teaching is in these four books. He stresses the Christian Code---the Ten commandments plus one He added. Matt. 22:36-40 tells a Christian the main issues that are sins. Any other issues you may consider sins are your opinion and teaching, not Christ's. None of your "extra" sins are unforgivable. Christ tells us in Matt. 12:31 in very clear and easy to understand the ONLY sin not forgiven. "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men." The Holy Ghost is the power of God. Every one of the sins you preach against--real or imagined--is forgivable if and when the person repents.
That doesn't mean the sin won't be repeated. After all, every person, Christians included, continues to sin after accepting salvation. The Holy Ghost is given us upon salvation to assist our effort to stop the sin. Do you ever fudge the truth (false testimony, Ninth Commandment)? What do you think should be done with you when you repeat this sin? Your sin has the same value as all the others commandments except the one listed in Matt.12:31. No human is sinless; only Christ had that distinction. People who claim to be Christians are separating all people by preaching against selective issues not taught by Christ, who knew all.
Many self righteous Christians stick to these issues because they are not "guilty" of them, and this makes them a better believer. There is an entire army of "Christians" out there who say they are saved, and they have religious convictions. Many believe they actually are saved, although the main reason is they want to reside in Heaven instead of Hell. Some people say the words of salvation after they have lived a hellish life. I'll give you an example of why non Christians doubt Christianity. The woman clerk in Kentucky who refused to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple said in court it was against her religious conviction. She has been married four times, and says she was saved four years ago because she wanted to go to Heaven. That is not an acceptable reason to accept Christ's offer. Moreover, since she was married four times, that is not a Christian lifestyle, and it is probable she committed adultery along the way. When non Christians and people of other faiths hear this, they doubt the sincerity of the Christian faith.
Many Christians don't seem to understand that God makes all men and women. Any or all of them may believe in God and have faith in Him. He may answer their prayers. The only exclusivity a Christian has is the offer of eternal life IF we really follow the teaching of Christ. After you preach your heart out or rail against your favorite sin--real or imagined--go back to the gospels and find any scripture quotes from Christ's teaching. Then, shut up and study the gospels so you represent Christianity properly. If you have friends, pastors, relatives or politician acquaintances, set the record strait. Otherwise, you are contributing to the demise of your faith.
Some self righteous Christians appear to have "dirty" minds. I say this because they always connect a sexual issue as immoral. There is never any consideration of a non sexual reason. Same sex marriage is an important social and economic right for people. It is a legal contract, not a religious contract. Some people live together and do things together with no sexual motive. There are important issues of financial and social benefits available only to married people. If you use common sense, you'll think twice before two elderly people who want to be married are interested in sex. Ever been to a hospital or nursing facility and observed how difficult it is for an elderly, sick, or disabled person to navigate the health process? God put me in the position of witnessing this hardship to enable me to tell the WHOLE story of same sex marriage. It is not our privilege to judge any of these people, and we have a "dirty" mind if we consider they all are joined in matrimony for the purpose of sex. Politicians have won office by citing this "perceived" sin. They're still trying this.
Many Christians who observe a same sex couple automatically "judge" them to be lesbians or homosexuals. I know this is true, because that's usually my first thought. Our Christian society has brought us up in an environment that classified two actions as the most terrible sins---murder and unaccepted sex. We can overcome this problem by recognizing we have been programmed improperly. Many Christian churches are still not telling the correct story. It takes real commitment for a pastor or church leader to go against the grain of reprobate teaching.
A few people may choose to be gay, but I have never met anyone who chose to be "different." They know they will be ostracized and face social disgrace. Using common sense, why would anyone put himself/herself in this position of extreme difficulty? Then, if you are thinking clearly, did God make a huge mistake in making people this way? Did He make a mistake when He made colored people, or the American Indians? Do you really think you can correct these mistakes? I've been studying scripture for a long time, and the more I study, the more I understand we are attempting to take the easy path to success and heaven. Just think...God has created trillions (or more) of humans, but only a small number are white. Do you think that makes whites a superior race? Hebrews are not technically white. Yet, God provided that whites could become part of His church. Isn't it maddening to realize how screwed up we've become? Don't go away...there's more.
No matter how often I express my position on abortion, many Christians refuse to understand. I am opposed to abortion if it's for the purpose of birth control. If the health of the mother is at risk or the fetus is somehow not viable, there is no reason not to protect a living woman. God did not create her to die so some man or woman could pronounce a death penalty on her. Men are  especially good at this because they can't be guilty of having an abortion. I hear that abortion is murder, and there are several purported Christian organizations that claim this falsehood. This is very inflammatory and a very successful political gem. There is no such commandment on abortion. Try and find it in the bible.
I'll tell you scripture does address this issue, but you'll have to email me personally to get the book and chapter. If you want to  insist abortion is murder, I suggest you tell Christ or God they didn't complete the Sixth Commandment. But then, you may have missed the distinction between "kill" and murder. Either way, it means somebody is dead.
I'm not finished with the abortion issue. Don't try to tell me you base your murder claim on Proverbs, chapter 5. Christ didn't teach this--Solomon did. He was supposed to be the wisest man. He had hundreds of wives and concubines. He murdered family members that could have usurped the crown. He gives us a lot of useful advice in Proverbs, but he never came close to the glory of Christ. Do you want to prosecute soldiers who kill the enemy? The military does not permit the killing of civilians. Military people are there to defend our nation. We have extended that to "democracy building." It's not working. Maybe we should look at history and understand why God enabled us to establish our nation. Thar's a long story, and I'll get into that another time.
`To recap, it's okay to hate gays and non whites. Christ somehow  didn't do His homework from the Father. It's okay for whites to claim other races wrongly cite racial bias, although race is usually  involved in the issue, and it took nearly 100 years and the Civil War before our white leaders freed slaves. God certainly has patience to permit this sin, which is being rekindled across America. Think of the lie our leaders propagated for 100 years, and some of the current leading politicians are preaching. Do you believe a just God won't punish us? It's okay to hate people in a same sex marriage? It's okay to hate women who have an abortion? Don't have to worry about men on this issue. After all, what did they have to do with the pregnancy? It's okay to bear false witness (lie) as long as it advances our personal understanding of Christ's direction? If we can't quote His teaching on these issues, it's okay because you can trust me.
God and Christ gave us eleven commandments, and Christ told us how to live our lives. We are expected to seek the truth about all of this, and we are expected to be honest about witnessing for our faith. There are people of several faiths who read this message and consider Christ to be a prophet. There are still Jews who have not accepted Him as Savior. A true Christian lifestyle and a mouth that doesn't pollute truth will lift Christianity up out of the downward spiral that is taking place. If you don't know Christ's words or the scripture, for the world's sake, shut up and listen.
Rev. Walbear

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


                                          FEAST OR FAMINE

    In reading Isaiah, and then reading the latest issue of Progressive
Farmer, I'm reminded of God's hand on weather, and how the supply of food depends not on humans, but the Lord. I've been a farmer for over 60 years and have held several positions with the Department of Agriculture, so the weather has always been a major factor in my life. Because of the advances in agriculture since WW2, we don't realize the Lord's control of weather played an important role in the freedom we have. Isaiah 55:10-11 tells us, "For as the rain  cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater. So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto
me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

    There are parallels between that war of wars and some of the current situations in America today. Hitler's Germany believed they had the final solution to annihilate Jews. It was a hate campaign based on white supremacy. The Germans told the world they were Christians as they sent Jews to the death camps. They had no regard for Jewish women, assigning many to "comfort" camps for the pleasure of troops. Men who could work were used as forced laborers, more commonly known as slaves. This was all in the name of Christianity. These German Christians preached separation and hate, the exact opposite of Jesus Christ. So, what does this have to do with the weather?

     The United States was the main piece of the winning puzzle, as God blessed us with the productive land and favorable weather which enabled us to grow the food needed for troops and civilians. With God's blessing, the war was won by determined soldiers, women who took men's place in industry and elsewhere, marvelous arms production, and the food and fiber to keep an army in top condition. Unless you lived in that period of time and experienced rationing, you have no  idea of the role food played in victory. As a six year old, I had a victory garden, as did many children. Tractors were replacing horses, and they were equipped with lights so work could go on at night. We  became very efficient at producing food. It is said that an army  advances on its stomach. Food production relies on weather.

    Return with me to Isaiah 55:8. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord." This quote should have been taken seriously by America following the end of the war and the outstanding prosperity that followed for the next 15 years. At the peak of prosperity, our leaders determined America had too  much food and storage was too costly. Our leaders decided to tear down many of the storage units and sell them to farmers. Load upon load of the dismantled bins were shipped from the Midwest to the Northeast for farmers to buy. As a performance supervisor, I took part in displaying these units for sale. After going through the period of need during the war, I had great misgiving about this program.

    If you know American history, you know that careless agriculture in the Great Plains created the dust bowl. Changing that land from its natural plant growth resulted in dryland farming, losing half or more of its productivity level. There is the problem of water, as wells must be drilled deeper and deeper. Much of our best producing land is now mired in an extended drought. There are serious problems in finding drinking water, and pollution by drilling is increasing. In Genesis we see that we are the stewards of the earth and all living things. If you look at our natural resources, you will find that we have raped much of our nation for lumber and mining. We have been careless with mine waste, human waste and toxic chemicals. 

    Returning to the subject of weather, our nation is now divided on the subjects of climate change and global warming. There is a big difference in the two subjects. I have had some experience in climate change because farm activities depend on the weather. We experience dry spells and wet spells, but their length is usually not long, and recovery takes place. The argument over climate change only makes the issue confusing. Climate change occurs all the time. The issue of global warming is serious. Scam artists are already  taking advantage of the fear factor. I see adds every day for food products that will remain edible for 25 days or more. These business people know few people, Christians included, will trust God for deliverance. 

    The experts in agriculture and weather have outlined the scientific
probability of global warming. If you think this is a hoax, please explain
to me what caused the Ice Age. The opposition to this probability is not difficult to understand. It's the usual and lots of it. The very politicians and duped Christians that deny global warming will be the first to sponsor and buy the "saving" food kits. It's more money based on fear. Weather forecasters can be wrong, but the confidence of the big conglomerates who control the food industry, including giant farms, are listening to the scientific experts. 

    Let's return to the Old Testament and see what else connects with food. The very first book, Genesis, tells the story of feast or famine. That story is told in Genesis 37-50. That's a lot of reading and studying for those of you who don't spend much time in scripture, but it tells you about the precarious situation that can arise. It tells us that Jacob's favorite son was sold into slavery by his brothers, and he was taken to Egypt. This Hebrew was God's man, yet God placed him among slaves. God gave him the gift of interpreting dreams, which eventually brought him before the Pharaoh. He was able to interpret the Pharaoh' warning dreams of seven years of plenty to be followed by seven years of famine. 

    If you read the Old Testament, you will understand that Israel  always became complacent after victory, and then regressed to the point God had to step in. They would go into captivity and become slaves. The conquerors valued the intelligence and  knowledge of the Hebrews, and they usually rose to quite prominent positions in government by appointment. The United States followed the pattern of self righteousness following WW2, and developed an attitude. We were the greatest, the best, and could do anything. We began the slide we're in right now. We made such great scientific advances, including the production of food, that we forgot God's role in our food success. He gave us the good land, the good weather, and willing hands. We had a united home front to save not only ourselves, but the Jews and the world. American slaves, who should have been free when the ink on the Constitution became dry, were no longer slaves, although they were still treated as sub whites. They received better treatment in the armed services and served with distinction. That included American Indians, whose code talking ability enabled us to use a code the Japanese could not break, which was a major  factor in our victory. These people are still being treated very badly. 

    The war effort brought Americans of many faiths together, and we all had the same goal. Do you realize other faiths include much of the same teaching as Christians? They are only missing Christ's offer of salvation. Denominations didn't matter, either. How far we have come down the road of separation. Christ told us to treat others as  ourselves, but that's only one of our many transgressions. Many conservatives are being separated from brothers and sisters by the Devil's advocates disguised as Christians.

     Few people alive today know the feeling of want when it comes to
necessities. During rationing, you could have the required stamps and
plenty of money, but some things just weren't available. Food items were
the first priority for soldiers. If we had to go without certain items, that
was accepted. Our lives depended on the men and women serving to
preserve God's Chosen and all peoples who put their faith in God. There
has been nothing like the era since, and money now replaces trust in God. Leaders, including some pastors and church leaders, have plenty of money, and they are on a mission to add more to their account at the expense of those without financial influence. It's cost over every other consideration for these imitation Christians, and if you support their greedy platforms, you are part of the problem. God is not mocked, and He controls the weather. 

    God chose a spiritual Hebrew to prevent massive famine in the days
of Genesis. Will we listen to greedy, power seeking politicians and
reprobate preachers of mega churches, or do the background work and follow the lessons of scripture? God gives us the example and the choice. 

Rev. Walbear

(Below--Secretary plowing Boston Common (Boston) 4-11-44, Victory Garden program)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


                                                       SATAN'S WAY

    Satan has not been happy with Christian messages, and has  requested (in a round about  manner) some ink. Christ talked a great deal about Satan and his agents, so we'll look into his sphere of activity (earth). Unlike his directions and reports, this message is a type of investigative reporting. We are all tempted at one time or another, as Satan probes us to discover our soft "sin" spot. He is the perfect example of being so intelligent he will eventually destroy himself, courtesy of God's judgment. He  is the master of opinion and Ninth Amendment (false testimony,
better known as lies) transgressions. He is very helpful to you when you are justifying yourself with self righteousness.

    What Satan didn't expect was a clear revelation of some of his most potent methods of entrapping or ensnaring us. We often begin our transgressions innocently enough, but quickly get directed off the path of truth by one of Satan's ever-alert agents. Spiritual  warfare is continuously going on, and Satan's army never rests. There is no peace under his leadership. You can read about his army in the Epistles, and meet the commanding general of God's army in Joshua 5:13-14. "And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, 'Are you for us or for our adversaries?' So He said, 'No, but as Commander of the army of the Lord I have now  come.'"

    Joshua was in dire need of help in strategy and tactics. We learn from this Jericho experience that God's victory was decided when Christ came to earth as flesh and blood, was crucified and rose in resurrection to provide eternal life for us. This was the case where Satan outsmarted himself because he was so eager to destroy God's Son, he actually won that battle, but lost the war. Joshua followed the general's directions, and took Jericho not by brute strength or superior arms, but following unusual directions. Obedience was the key. and should always be the key in your Christian walk. Read the story of Jericho's destruction, and you will see God provides the necessary protection and method to have a victorious Christian life. You may be wounded and suffer, but Christ guarantees victory.

    Now we go to Satan's clever methods to lead you astray,  or worse yet, to lead you to renounce your salvation. He will not take it away from you, but if your commitment came out of your mouth rather than from your heart, look out! Following Christ is not a smooth road with all kinds of earthly rewards. If you're being told that, take a few  minutes to read the suffering of the Apostles and preachers of His faith. It's a sort of "no pain, no gain" experience. Superior athletes can describe this phenomenon, and real Christians need to understand God's soldiers face life threatening action. There are rewards for your Christian service in heaven just as there are rewards for our service people in the military. How do I know? The bible tells me so in the writing of Peter, James and Paul.

    Let's back up a bit to the arrival of God's commander to assist  Joshua. Notice the General's answer to Joshua's question about  being for or against Israel. He didn't choose either yes or no to the question. Rather, He distanced Himself from taking sides. His answer was cleverly given to show He was there to carry out God's plan, not the desires of either side. His plan was to overcome Jericho, but it had to be clear that it was God's victory. You see how easy it is for us to jump to a conclusion that "our side" won because our action or opinion was superior. We immediately assume we accomplished the mission. Often, we do not recognize or understand what God's mission is, and, being unfamiliar with scripture, arrive at the wrong conclusion. There is no substitution for studying and learning God's word.

     Christ brought us God's word, and His directions are found only in the four gospels. These instructions are your mission. He didn't teach us what colors to wear to church, how we should wear our hair, how much glitter and makeup we should use. When new church members profess salvation from the heart, they should be led by the Holy Spirit to study Christ's teaching. That, alone, is more than enough for any of us to accomplish. If Christ didn't give us directions about a subject or issue, we commit a sin by putting words in His mouth through our personal opinion. You have a major problem if you spend your time and effort trying to make a social or other change, and attribute your claim to the teaching of Christ.

    He was very specific about His subject or issue. He was Master of
everything. If he didn't mention gay people or other popular issues
expressed by professing Christians, why do you glorify yourself by taking credit for something you think Christ forgot? Don't you realize He knew (knows) everything, past, present and future? Christ taught  us HOW TO LIVE OUR PERSONAL LIFE. Before you attempt to divide real and fake believers, reread the gospels. Show me book, chapter and verse to support your popular hot button claims. For example, show me where He told us that we should eliminate people who have a different life style, who are of another race, a different faith, or any other "hate" directive. He offered salvation to everyone, and it is to be their personal choice, not yours. This error outs and eliminates practically all politicians, especially those claiming to be Christians.

    Satan loves to use apostate people to lead us astray because we are so easily fooled by judging people according to their success in the world. A professional friend told me he could quickly assess the spirituality of a church just by attending a couple of services. When the pastor and/or leaders discovered he had professional expertise in a field, they immediately found him fit for a leadership position. His knowledge of scripture was apparently of minor consequence,  ranking below his success in business and finances. It would be quite easy to enjoy this respect, and transfer that respect to the false conclusion that he could expand Christ's teaching by taking a stand for a social issue not taught by Christ. Praise always provides the opportunity for us to believe we are better than we really are.

    We continue in understanding Satan's clever ways to take us off our
path to eternal life by encouraging us to do something directly opposite
to Christ's teaching. Matt. 7:1-5 warns us, "And why do you look at the
speck in your brother's eye, but do  not consider the plank in your own
eye? Or how can you say to your brother, Let me remove the speck from your eye; and look, a plank is in your own eye? (verses 3 and 4) It is clear here that we are warned to take care of OUR sins before we attack others for any sin. If you demonstrate against someone because they have a different life style, you are violating this instruction, which means you have another sin to conquer, and need to repent. 

    A non Christian may flail away at someone else's perceived wrongful
action as their personal choice. They don't have salvation and are lost.
Christians, however, must follow Christ's teaching found in the four
gospels. All sins are equally bad (Matt. 12:31-32), but only denial of the
Holy Spirit is unforgiven. If you speak out about something such as a gay
life style, why aren't you speaking out about adultery? Christ didn't 
teach us about a gay life style, but He did teach us about adultery. You
are placing yourself in the position of adding a perceived sin while
ignoring an established sin. It is quite apparent adultery is much more
prevalent in society than being gay. The most prevalent sin is lying, yet
that sin has become commonplace, and many people don't apologize
or make amends. Satan knows if he can get you to take up some issue
you aren't guilty of, your attention will be focused on something Christ
didn't teach. You will become a victim of self righteousness, and work
to divide people. You have become a judge for Satan.

    In addition to studying scripture, use a little common sense in taking
up such issues. Some  pastors are calling for separation and elimination
of gay people.  Some nations are killing them. Gays don't reproduce, so
why the claim they will take over our nation or the world? Gays don't
usually hurt others, while adultery often breaks up marriages and  creates serious problems for children when parents separate. Christ taught about the sins that we should try to avoid. That is a big enough task without taking on another subject. You can love someone of the same gender without being sexually active. That type of friendship is love. There is a huge difference. Placing all gays in the same basket is like placing all divorced people in the same basket. Satan knows he will get your interest and support if he stresses sex and doesn't stress friendship. Most people are hooked on sexual subjects, even though they try to mask their interest.

    Every time there is a difference in people, Satan gets his public  relations and propaganda machine to work. Half truths and outright
lies are woven together to convince you to follow Satan's Way instead
of Christ's The Way. Satan's road map is full of detours and winding side roads. None lead to salvation and heaven. If you diligently pursue just the four gospels, you won't have time to mistake the  highway you're traveling. There are no shortcuts. Beware the sharp looking advertising billboards. If you're getting directions from someone, make certain that person knows The Way and doesn't send you into a confusing maze of turns. 

    There are a dozen or more of clever methods employed by Satan, and none have the truth and light. The real meaning of these ploys is not readily apparent unless you carefully check out the person telling you something, AND seek the foundation basis for the lesson. Our modern communication enables these charlatans to spread misinformation faster than most of us can do the research. One large size aid is to remember that once a speaker has lied to you, he/she probably will lie again. These people have elevated  themselves to the position of a judge. You recall what Christ had to say about that: Matt., chapter 7.

Rev. Walbear