Tuesday, December 1, 2015


                                          EDUCATION: CINO 2

    This is the second message outlining the false teaching of leaders
in public life, government and the church. The title explains the problem: Christians In Name Only. These people claim they are saved and are Christians. When you hear their speeches or read their comments and compare them to scripture, you find they are teaching or leading you exactly the opposite of Christ's words. You only have to check what they say with four books of the bible; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. If the subject isn't within those books, it is not a subject Christ taught. He didn't forget anything, folks, so don't be fooled into thinking He missed something important.

    The church world today is filled with rants, raves and general  mayhem about a few subjects Christ never even mentioned. In fact, the proponents of these issues really haven't any scripture to base their rants upon. Some list a phrase from an Old Testament book written by other writers, many of whom weren't even priests. These purveyors of hot button subjects are motivated by two reasons. They may not understand why Christ didn't speak of the subject (which means they are more intelligent than God?), or they know a good thing to stir up people who have either gone to sleep spiritually or never have known any spiritual awakening. In either case, they are definitely not following Christ and are apostate. By claiming to be of the  Christian faith, they are sealing their contract with Satan.

     To be absolutely certain you are not hearing the words of Christ, which are true, look at John 10:1-6, but especially verse 4. "And when He brings out His own sheep, He goes before them, and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice." The voice of Christ is the word of God, and it is found in the four books I listed previously. This is all background so we can examine the subject of education. There is a major warning flag for Christians when you hear anyone speak of eliminating the Department of Education. This subject is vital to every person. Our system needs repairs, but eliminating the national agency is beyond being stupid. We do need a federal agency that is not under control of any group or political party. 

     Our secular system is not perfect according to Christ's teaching, but
it does not make the mistake of division that plagues religious schools.
Americans have a major problem accepting true history rather than the vinegar and acid of reality. We all want to be the shining example for other peoples to look up to. We don't want to admit the filthy deeds of our history, and many "patriots" accuse those who teach historical truth of being unpatriotic. Not recognizing the requirement of truth is one way to identify a false teacher. God's Book of Life includes all tenets of the universe. Saying it isn't so doesn't work with Him. If we don't  admit the truth, we aren't repenting, and aren't forgiven. This is a very simple example of how easy it is to separate ourselves from Christ.

    I've been blessed to have experienced just about every type of school
in America. By far the best was a one room school. The students were  few, and the teacher actually knew how to teach, from music to science
and everything in between. My entire life has been an experience in school---small consolidated, large consolidated, large city type, religious
and home school, public college, religious college and private college. I had to learn the New Math because I had to teach it. I have reviewed the new common Core, and it is a disaster. Public school is the best option, but there is a layer of geeks disrupting basic education by attempting to make perfect more perfect. When I taught science in a public high school, I felt we were teaching too much to too many who would never use much of the information.

    For public schools, Europe has a much better system which is  designed to separate students according to potential. We have a dearth of high school graduates who can barely read and write. Giving them a six or eight week course after high school may land them a job, but it will probably be in a dead end field. These types of jobs only keep the person in poverty. Technical school is better, but we are only fooling ourselves if we think anything less than a four year liberal arts education is professionally sufficient. The public system, as it is, has an impossible task because it must accept everybody.

    CINOs are creating a major divisive problem by creating and changing
the entire educational system. They are changing the textbooks to reflect their misguided and incorrect political and philosophical ideals. Revisionist history is not only dishonest, but a sin known as false witness. God knows what our ancestors did and every move we make. We can lie to people, but God knows the truth; He is truth. When you accept these changes in history, you are a part of the sin, one of the original commandments. Worse yet, you are endorsing that incorrect teaching to your children, leading them to believe lies and making them guilty of that sin unless or until they discover the truth. CINOs are thus putting themselves in the same position as the Muslim schools that teach history revision and radical Islam. If CINOs fear Muslims, why would you think Muslims wouldn't fear CINOs? Not all Christian schools are this bad, but those in the conservative states are destroying education. These are the states that want a return to state's rights. That's why elimination of the Education Department is one of their goals.

    This trend by CINOs carries over to colleges to a lesser degree. The
pressure to follow suit occurs when the trustees or directors dominate
the funding and therefore seek to control the curriculum. Some religious
colleges place too much emphasis on denominational instruction rather
than specific fields of study. This poses a problem for some graduates
because it limits their job opportunities. They may find themselves stuck
in their religious field without the opportunity to work in other religious
or secular fields. Worse yet, I have counseled people who came from
religious colleges who received instruction totally not scriptural. I  attended two religious colleges of different denominations, and neither
had this problem.

    CINOs point out it's wrong for Muslims to force students to learn
doctored subjects, like maps without the nation of Israel and a revised
history missing the savagery of force to convert people to Islam. This use of force--without murder--is being used by CINOs to make students become apostate Christians. Their school rules and regulations go far
beyond Christian reason. Frequently CINO administrators and teachers
use passages from the Epistles to base regulations. They do this  because they lack understanding of the Epistles. Most of the instructions were directed at correcting local culture practices that clashed with Christ's teaching. What is not included in these Epistles is that people could choose not to follow the new rules. They faced shunning if they  chose not to follow the rules, which meant exclusion from the local fellowship. That did not mean they couldn't receive salvation as long as the failure to follow rules wasn't a sin. An example of this was a hair style signifying a prostitute. Some CINOs forbid women wearing long pants. There is an absence of common sense as well as a failure to study and understand scripture. 

    Christ took God's word to all the world and gave His disciples that charge in the Great Commission found in Matt. 28:16-20. If you read the
gospels, you will see He never forced anyone to do anything. He drove
the money changers out of the temple (Matt. 21:12,13), but He only
"forced" them to quit doing business in the House of God (temple).
Christians are to preach the word, not force the word or any man-made
rules on people. When CINOs pass religious laws, they will follow with
draconian enforcement as is becoming evident in America. This takes us back to Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims. Their CINO activities included such wonderful things as stocks, shunning, burning at the stake, and other delightful sins. If someone had a problem with you, he could frame you with false testimony. Women were the major victims of this CINO system. We have the same problem today, with rules that discriminate against women. That imitates radical Islam.

    Religious control of education always results in discrimination which eventually becomes violent. The inquisition gave people the same choice as radical Islam. Become a Catholic or die. Hitler had his own version against Jews. He didn't give them any choice; he just killed them. Satan is using CINOs to separate real Christians from the apostates. In so doing, the chaff is being separated from the grain. The CINOs and their followers will experience the hell of the earth's cleansing as explained in Revelation. Now would be a good time for you to study scripture to see your future.

Rev. Walbear

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