Thursday, December 17, 2015


                                                  GENESIS & REVELATION
Do you believe God is in control? Do you believe the story of Noah from the Old Testament, and the prophecy of Revelation in the New Testament? Do you harbor fear? Do you understand that scripture assures us that God IS in control? There is not one leader or official in the world who rules without God's approval, even though that may appear to be wrong in human judgment. In 1 Sam. chapter 8, Israel wanted a human king, and God gave them one. He warned what human rule would be like, and it's been that bad ever since. We get what we ask for without bothering to check the facts. Many Christians don't believe the story of Noah and the Great Flood. Except for Noah's family, the people of Noah's day thought he was foolish, and ignored God's warning.
This message is about how we get what we ask for, and why few people understand the different meanings about the same word. We have an excellent example from the recent mass murders in San Bernardino. The female shooter had great faith and devotion to her god, and was following her faith's teaching. The teaching she followed is not the original teaching of Islam, but a radicalized revision of the original, peaceful version. She believed in god, who for her was Allah. Americans---Christians or others---tell us they BELIEVE and have FAITH. Consider the Muslim woman believed in her god and had faith. Unless a Christian believes in the God of Abraham and the resurrected Jesus Christ, there is no difference in belief. There are many  gods to many different people. Saying you are a believer may just mean you are trading in word definitions.
A Christian believer must believe in the virgin birth, Christ's denial of Satan's temptations, the concise teaching of Christ in the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and the resurrection. If your belief doesn't include these qualifications, you are among the huge number of failed Christians in America. You may interchange the word belief with the word faith, according to the dictionary. I refer to the dictionary frequently to examine how someone has managed to cleverly subvert truth. Belief and faith are words that sound churchy and religious. You really don't know how the individual interprets the words unless you carefully examine the person's statements and actions. The shooter in the mass murders had both belief and faith. Her actions clearly indicate her god is one of Satan's leaders. This is not to condemn Islam, but to point out Muslims are being misled by apostate teachers. The problem is lack of understanding and failure to research their own religion.
American Christians and wannabes have the same problem with Christianity. Just reading the bible or attending church will not make you a genuine Christian. Do you really listen to what politicians and preachers say? If you do, and you do just a small bit of scripture study, you must realize most of their drivel is apostate. The failure of Americans to require truth will eventually result in the loss of freedom of speech. Christians should understand that scripture warnings about the spiritual power of Satan is gaining ground at a rapid pace. Satan has patterned his forces after God's own forces, that is to confirm that Satan's army is led by brilliant, corrupt leaders who have loyal followers ranging from foot soldiers to high tech operators. If you paid attention to Joshua's leadership of Israel's army, you would have understood that a mere human could not defeat Satan's forces without God's help. God sent the commander in chief of His army to bring victory.
The only decision easier to make than following the God of Abraham and Jesus Christ is to accept the temptations offered by Satan's excellent marketing demons. Resisting temptation is beyond the commitment of many Christians---not just occasionally, but often. Leaders express their Christianity through spreading hatred against other people because of any difference in race, religion or opinion. Of course this is the opposite of Christ's teaching. Their leadership is bringing together many failed Christians as well as much of the population with no "religion." The failed Christian example makes it almost impossible to defend Christianity. How do you explain this hatred away?
People do not want to read, study or research. Christians prefer to watch a speaker, especially if there is some kind of entertainment. It is easy to become a member of a religious "lynch mob." This is any group of religious people who want to employ force to require others to do and act as they do. They are the clone clowns. They are Satan's foot soldiers, wearing the uniform of Christians. They are filled with fear that other people will usurp their control. They fear physical harm. They fear people who do not agree with every rule they have added to Christ's teaching. They fear they will go to Hell if they aren't better than other people. They fear losing their pensions and money. They fear losing health benefits. They fear losing their guns. They fear losing their white Christian superiority. THEIR FEAR IS PROOF THEY ARE OR WILL BE FAILED CHRISTIANS.
Doesn't everybody have some kind of fear? Of course. It's human nature. It may not be easy when the problem is actually life threatening because of illness or injury. Soldiers and truthful followers of Christ overcome this fear and face the possibility
head on. That is belief and faith. Any Christian has the same choice to overcome fear. Scripture guarantees it. If you really believe in the God of Abraham and David, and the Son of God, you will find that guarantee in both Testaments. You will also find that God created us for service to Him. People of faith frequently say they will pray for someone with a problem. God hears all prayers, including those of non Christians. Prayer is an easy answer for someone who needs help. True faith lends power to a prayer. Many Americans today quickly issue words of prayer, but show no evidence of the work of the Holy Spirit or service to God.
If fear is leading you to follow a leader or preacher to disobey the teaching of Christ, you should seriously question your commitment to Christ. Scripture tells us that God values obedience over sacrifice. When you think it is a good idea to force people to follow rules not given by Christ, you are on the slippery slope of damnation. God and Christ developed all the rules you must follow. The basics are simple: love your God, and love your neighbor. God knows our limitations, and He also knows our potential. We can't be perfect, but we must at least try. Christians have already permitted the two differing dictionary explanations of one word to cancel out one third of the Trinity.
That word, friends, is PERSON. Business leaders and sharp lawyers saw a way to permit money laundering for political gain and control of the economy. Christians are still sitting by and doing little to keep Jesus Christ defined as a person in the likeness of God and man. The Supreme Court ruled that corporations are entitled to the same rights (privileges) as humans (except to be sent home in body bags). That made it legal for unlimited political spending. We could eliminate the national debt with money wasted on political ads and expenses. Many of these ads by "Christian" candidates seek to inflame us to act in direct opposition to any Christian teaching.
The result is a huge growth in fear and separation by race, religion, money and education. Political leaders flaunt these issues, and many church leaders don't preach the truth in church to point out the lies to congregations. Truth becomes an unknown quantity, and we will tend to choose leaders we deserve, as God warned in Samuel. It will all come down to the execution of God's plan as given us in Revelation. Those seven churches had a higher rate of approval than American Christian churches are earning. It won't be pretty.
Rev. Walbear
(You can watch about the Japanese Internment from someone who lived it, the well known George Takei. Just click on the link below.)

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