Saturday, December 12, 2015


                                                                  MEANS TO AN END

    The admonition by Jesus Christ in Matthew, chapter 7, is being ignored by a large part of the Christian Church, and is causing the tailspin of Christianity both in the world and United States. All you have to understand are the first two short verses. "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you." Too many Christians are trying to establish "standards" for Christian behavior. If Christ didn't give us instructions while He was on earth, we shouldn't try to put words in His mouth. That is, unless you think you are more perfect than He. How dare you claim to expound on your directions as if Christ gave you special teaching not included in the inspired bible?

    Are you unable to understand the two verses above? Christ gave us the truth and light in as simple language and understandable as possible. We don't need to add or subtract anything. Christians have fallen into the trap of legalism, just as Israel did. This ploy by Satan is the means used to split believers and weaken the thrust of what then becomes "religion" instead of faith. What Satan introduced into Christ's organization of the Christian Church was the human idea that more rules needed to be established to be a "better" Christian. That evolved into denominations that took on the name of a teacher. This is not to fault all denominations, because that would mean throwing all believers under the bus. The problem is the gradual drift of denominational teaching to actually place the words of Christ SECOND to His actual words.

    This has evolved into a sort of competition among denominational
members to place their denomination "better" than others. We talk about brotherhood, but that emotional desire to be Number One transcends sports and becomes a religious goal. If all Christians just followed Christ's teaching in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, we would not have the multiple divisions of the church. I repeat over and over that following His teaching should be our goal if we really are committed Christians. When you add rules or standards Christ did not preach, you change the faith to your "brand" just like a commercial advertiser. You claim your brand is better than the original. You have not one scriptural word from Christ to support your brand of Christianity. Man does not control Christian brands; God makes that decision. Read Matt. 7:1,2. You are not sitting in judgment as God's appointed associate. Christ is the only associate judge.

    I was asked the tricky question about personal judgment soon upon by entrance to the ministry. How can a believer, especially a pastor, not make personal judgment? Sometimes the nature of an action by an individual "screams" that they be harshly judged. Would I permit someone to speak to my congregation if I knew I disagreed with his comments? This is a tough situation for a pastor, and requires help through prayer and calm consideration. We must remember we will be judged by Christ according to how we judge. This is where emotion and calm consideration must rule the day. Free speech is necessary, and our Constitution is correct in guaranteeing that privilege. It is indeed a privilege, not a right.

    Free speech is not free speech when it departs from the basic  premise of truth. A person may speak on Satan's behalf, but only if it is as a statement and presented calmly. There is no room for ranting or emotional display. That is the action of a lynch mob, and is the method Satan employs almost at will. Satan's spokesperson should have the opportunity to speak, but he/she must adhere to the rules given us in scripture. Again, go to Matt. 4:1-11. Satan tempted Christ, but Christ had the foundation for answers. When Satan saw that the truth, according to scripture, could not be shaken, he left Christ in defeat. The pastor or individual who is responsible for the control of a group or congregation MUST remain in control for the calm and opportunity to speak in a like manner. For the speaker or Christian leader, there must be scriptural verification of the speech.

    Obviously, Satan can be limited in speech because he would have  to rely on his personal reasoning. He respects God and Christ because he knows scripture and God. When presented with truth as Christ gave him, Satan has to depart. If you don't know enough scripture to be able to defuse Satan's attempts, don't ever become involved in any religious discourse. Satan will have much more knowledge than you. The church and political fields today are permitting people to preach and rant without any proof of truth. As a result we have people with loud mouths and personal agendas becoming leaders. Christians don't make an effort to learn the facts and truth. That means they are living in darkness. They are actually traveling under false colors and allowing Satan to be their leader. 

    When you're meeting people, you usually get some kind of  impression relating to their character. Most of us decide to like or maybe not like the individual. What they have to say gives us a clue to character. We make a snap judgment. That is the human method of judgment. It should be a temporary decision, and really not a judgment---go back to Matt. 7:1,2. We should decide if the person has our values and belief. Is there scriptural backing for their reasoning? If they differ from our life pattern and practice, they still have the freedom of choice. Christ always gave everyone the freedom of choice. But, we have the freedom to continue our
choice and disregard their viewpoint.

    The fervor over religious issues has brought to the forefront of 
American Christianity the need to understand "the end justifies  the means." There is only one situation where this statement is not true. Unfortunately, too many Christians have decided they can take actions that are scripturally wrong to achieve a goal they believe in. This includes murder. Christ never preached the use of murder nor the use of force by man-made laws. Christ gave us ALL the laws to follow as Christians. There is no justification to take any action not taught by Christ. To kill innocent people to support a cause or belief is SATANIC. To persecute people because they don't agree with your belief or faith is SATANIC.

    There is no justification in violating Christ's teaching, nor any
justification in changing or adding to His teaching. Any attempt to expand His teaching is a ploy by Satan to create division and water down Christianity. As one devoted member of a congregation told me, "I'm tired of the personal agendas of some (congregational) members who have issues that split the membership. This has happened twice in my church." These issues are almost always issues not mentioned by Christ. You'd think we have enough trouble just trying to follow His teaching, let alone adding other rules.

    If you support killing people at an abortion clinic, at a movie theater, rock concert or political gathering, you are a tool of Satan, and not a Christian. Your status may be in question (not by me or any human) if you oppose Christ's teaching to help others in need,  including immigrants. If you think your sins are forgivable while different sins by others are not, you don't know scripture. Look at Matt. 12:31,32. There is only one unpardonable sin. All others
have the same value.

    There is absolutely no justification for claiming the end is justified
because of the means. Any means utilized to accomplish or achieve
an end must be something Christ taught us to be a Christian. That
includes not only killing (murder), but false testimony. We have allowed influential people to get away with false testimony far too long. I hear Christian radio repeat popular false testimony with no effort to provide the truth. Some stations are bending the rules for donations. Christ did not teach it was okay to lie or bend the rules if you felt that was the way to success. This is especially troubling when the person claims it was done in the name of Christianity.

    We are not the final judge, and we do not have Christ's permission to ignore or break His rules to achieve any personal goal. If we break His confidence, we are no better than ISIS or any group claiming to be God's chosen people. This attempt to divide people on the issues of fear, such as Islam, or abortion and lifestyle, is part of Satan's plan. Don't believe me---read your Christian instructions in the four gospels from which I quote. We are on trial, and so is the United States.

Rev. Walbear

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