This is a futuristic message: it is a message for all good people, whether Christian, other faith or any combination. There are so many people who are not committed to Christianity or mistakenly believe they are Christians, that you need to understand "good people." In the course of business, handling regular tasks associated with family life and required services, we meet good people. If you are a real Christian, you pray they will be "touched" by the hand of God and receive salvation. They are usually believers in God or a Supreme Power, but hesitate or oppose a Christian commitment. They are easily offended by an attempt to convert them. Christ did not overwhelm people and exhibit any show of force to spread the saving message He brought. Christians should not think they are special and above anyone of any other faith. That is especially true because God can and does "touch" people as He chooses.
If you know the four gospels that outline Christ's teaching, you will understand that He taught togetherness AND separation. Now you think I'm a bit "untouched." Scripture is true, and He says this very same thing, if you take the time to understand why He taught this double reasoning. I'll write this now, and you can check out the validity through scripture: God determines the entry to Heaven, and some people will gain entrance as explained in John 6:44. "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day." Because someone has not prayed the sinner's prayer or become a named Christian is no reason to think someone will not enter Heaven. God makes that choice, and He has the last word. Christ tells us in Matt. 24:36 that ONLY the Father knows the time Jesus will return, and only the Father knows when our future "mansions" will be ready. Christ is the Gatekeeper, but God owns the gate and what's behind it.
How about a real life story about "touched" before we go to scripture about separation and togetherness? This man came from a background of believers in God, but their belief was based on the natural blessings of God through nature. God was their Great White Father who provided everything. Later in a solid life, he began attending church. Because he had a wonderful voice and was an experienced singer, he was asked to sing at church. At this point, he had become saved through a commitment to Christ. When he came to church this particular morning to deliver a solo, he had selected "He Touched Me." When he began to sing, the atmosphere in that church changed. He conveyed the spiritual experience he had when he accepted Christ's offer. People began to cry and come\ to the altar. This was in a Methodist Church, where emotional displays are not common. He had led a "Christian" life, but had not understood "religion." I knew him well; he was my father-in-law.
I hear some of the challenges to this non religious message, and I'll deal with them before continuing. You do not become a Christian through good works, and that may be your claim against what I've written. God's "touch" will not be based on any works by anyone. He will examine the persons' adherence to His know, the Ten Commandments plus the important addition by Christ to love thy neighbor. If you have done your best to follow these simple rules, you are a "good person." It is His option to select those spirits He wants in Heaven. There are billions of people who lived before Christ came to earth, and billions in the world today who have never heard the words of scripture. Do you really think God is not fair, and will simply
junk all those people He created?
junk all those people He created?
Well look at the aspects of division brought by Christ as given us in Matt. 10:34. "Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword." The concept of peace on earth is conveyed by a number of faiths without understanding the accompanying verses in Matt. 10:35-39. Christians talk about peace, but fare little better than any other faiths who have their own version of peace. There is squabbling within all Christian denominations, as evidenced by some Catholics and Protestants who think their people are the only saved people. There are continuing battles with the many Protestant denominations. Some are even rewriting scripture so it agrees with man's interpretation. We have a glaring example of the false teaching we are repeatedly warned about in scripture by many leaders--both political and church--who are attempting to influence the United States.
When a "supposed" Christian tells us to hate ANYONE, that person is of the Devil. Christ taught us to love our neighbor. I've heard the rants and fear of others who are different. That is not only Muslims, but other religions and races. Christ's teaching of separation above is talking about believers in God as the separation point. You obviously can't exhibit love towards someone who is trying to kill you. God tells us we can defend ourselves. We can have an army--He has His army. But, He doesn't give us the right to claim fear has led us to murder anyone. There are a substantial number of people who call themselves Christians who live in fear, and condone elimination of others who are "different" by race or religion. I'm a military man, so I know a soldier's second best friend is his gun (pistol, rife, whatever). Note I said second best. The best is the Holy Spirit, but you must have at least the faith of a grain of mustard seed. (Matt. 17:20) This is a tall order for anyone, but we see opponents defeated several times in scripture without the use of weapons. God uses anything He chooses to rout the enemy. I know of situations where a Christian was threatened, and called on God (Jesus). The antagonists fled because of the power of the Holy Spirit. You do remember in Acts we're told people were struck dead for lying.
All the hate talk about immigrants clearly shows God that America is not a Christian nation. The hate talk about other races is worse yet, if that is possible, because these people are already part of our nation. Then there is the hate talk about other religions. There is the movement by some Christians to force people perceived to be non Christians to convert or else (just like the extremist Muslims). There is the refusal to provide universal health care, which other developed nations already have. There is the refusal to provide adequate health care for women, using the excuse of abortion. There are more women suffering and dying from lack of medically needed abortion than from actual abortion. It seems many leaders concentrate on money rather than compassion. Christ warned us about money in Matt. 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The politicians have no pressing need for money--most can call up millions and can afford most anything. Church leaders should be preaching about compassion and exposing these greedy leaders. A Presbyterian minister disgusted me by preaching that instead of welfare, he would teach the recipient to fish. Nobody questioned him about crippled veterans or civilians, ill people, disadvantaged people, or anyone physically unable to work. He was on the verge of retirement with a wonderful pension as well as social security. He apparently wasn't familiar with the gospels. Are you? Read Matt. 12:25 and tremble. "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand." If we continue to listen to leaders who repeatedly break the Ninth (IX) Commandment---false witness (lying), you just read our future as a nation and as a family and person.
Jesus seeks to bring believers together through the simple acts of following His directions in the gospels. Salvation is open to anyone willing to be obedient. Being obedient is primary with God as you can see in 1 Sam. 15:22, "Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams." That means, folks, that we need to concentrate on the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, where Christ carefully spells out our requirement for obedience. Note with the utmost care that there is no mention of hating anyone. Hate only appears in scripture written by other writers. No one is qualified to put words in Christ's mouth. Any political candidate, church or spokesperson who encourages hate is of Satan. You cannot call yourself a Christian if you speak or write hate. If you preach fear, you are also violating Christ's teaching. Matt. 8:26 tells us what Jesus told the disciples when they 'feared for their life.' "Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?"
This final question is something to ponder. Our military people must take an oath to protect not just us (the people), but our Constitution. And, that includes with their life. Do you realize our armed forces include a large number of non Christians? Each one must rely on faith of some kind to face possible death. There are soldiers of many faiths other than Christian, atheists, people who rely on being a good person, several races and people of varying sexual preferences. Their lives are just as precious to God as yours. Or do you think you belong to an elitist group favored by God? If you believe you are a Christian and have salvation's eternal life, think about God's examination of your obedience to Christ's teaching in the gospels. Could it be your acceptance of His offer did not come from your heart? Was that acceptance as phony as your adherence to Christ's teaching? To real Christians, you are as phony as a three dollar bill. Listen to all the hate ranting on television, or read the newspapers and books. If you agree with all the hatred filling the air, you are in spiritual trouble. God touches good people wherever they are when they realize who Jesus was and why God sent Him.
These are people who actually show compassion, sometimes at great cost, financial or otherwise. These were people who lived a Godly life because of personal values. They walked the talk, even though they weren't guided by scriptural teaching. These are people who reason and use common sense. They value God's riches, not money and material things. They don't brag about their credentials as a good Christian, such as large donations, especially in another human's honor. God will give them an opportunity to enter Heaven at the final day.
Rev. Walbear
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