Friday, March 15, 2013


                                                  A FISHY EASTER STORY

    We are in the Easter season of 2013, and I have a message for the season that is probably different from others you may have read. This Easter story gives us the first actual experience of Christ's life, sacrifice, crucifixion, ministry and salvation. Yes, I said salvation, although Christ had not yet been sent to earth by God. You need to turn to the Old Testament Book of Jonah for this fish story. Remember, a fish is also the symbol for Christianity. Jonah certainly wasn't Christ, and his actions weren't Christ like until God put him through a little training. We all need a lot of training. Rather than  give you a ton of quotes, I ask you to follow along in scripture as the story unfolds. I am going to highlight the main thrust of this Easter story before going back to review the other lessons we are taught in the Word of God in the story of Jonah.

    God called on Jonah, a prophet, to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, the leading world power at that time. The Assyrians were the most savage, bloody people around, and were feared by other peoples. They were so ruthless, some villagers committed suicide when attacked rather suffer the torture and killing of captivity. Men and children were killed, and women used and abused. The Assyrians had piles of skulls at the entrances to the city to remind people of who was boss. They were extremely wicked people. Knowing this, and perhaps having relatives killed by the Assyrians in the past, Jonah hated the Assyrians and didn't want them to be accepted by God as repentant. It certainly was not a place you would want to visit for the purpose of preaching to them about changing their wicked ways.

    For those of you who want this message shortened. I'll cut right to the chase and tell you how this story forecasts Christ's time on earth, Then, I'll go back and point out the other things God accomplished through Jonah's training and work. If you don't read this entire book, you are missing a wonderful Christian story. It is the very least you should do for this all-important time in Christianity.

    Instead of heading East to Assyria, Jonah bought passage on a boat headed West, away from Assyria. He boarded the ship and retired below deck and went to sleep. While he slept, a violent storm came up and the sailors feared the ship would sink. They tried to row to safety, to no avail. Jonah was awakened, and the crew tried to determine who on board was responsible for God's wrath. The sailors weren't Israelities, but men of many faiths and idols. When they drew lots, Jonah was the man responsible for their dilemma. He told the sailors to cast him into the sea, and they did this reluctantly. Now begins our forerunner of Christ's experience on earth.

    When he was cast into the sea, he was swallowed by a large fish, possibly a whale. He spent three days and nights in the belly of the fish. Ring a bell for you about Christ's experience in the tomb? This corresponds with Christ's time spent in the earth. Jonah was not killed, although his experience may have made him think so, and he could have died and resurrected. He was spewed out, and now knew he had a mission to complete in Nineveh. He did not want these people to be repentant and saved by God. When you hate someone, isn't this a normal human reaction? But, Jonah went there and preached the Word of God as is found in the Old Testament. To his surprise, these bloody people listened and repented. Rather than be happy, he was angry. He had been buried in the sea, brought back to life on dry land, and preached repentance which resulted in the Old Testament version of salvation. A clear explanation of what would happen in the New Testament, although Christ had a Godly acceptance of His mission while Jonah did not. 

    We observe Easter because we have had the plan of salvation laid out for us by none other than the Son of God. We already had the Ten Commandments, which the Assyrians accepted on the preaching of Jonah. We had the greatest teacher that ever lived, but we have a major problem trying to be Christ like. The Assyrians accepted God as the supreme being over all other gods. The sailors on the ship also recognized God as the supreme God. If we observe the sacrifice of Christ as our redeemer, why do we fail to honor all the Commandments and man's ever-changing laws? Jonah was a great prophet and preacher, and the Assyrians were great listeners and understood. We "Christians" can't even follow the bible or Christ. Most of us are Christians in name only. 

    There are two things you need to note carefully. First, in Matt, 12:40, Christ told the scribes and Pharisees the sign they sought was the sign of the prophet Jonah, who spent three days and  nights in the belly of a fish. Christ would likewise be three days and nights in the earth before rising. Jonah was not a prophet of salvation, but a prophet of judgment. You've had the teaching of salvation. This is the teaching of judgment. If you abandon the very Word of God as given us in scripture, you will be judged accordingly.

    Now in Jonah 3:5, we are told "So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them." They had only the words of a prophet and the instructions we have in Genesis, yet they believed in God and the very Word of God. We had Christ. What's our excuse? Perhaps modern man doesn't believe Christ was the image of God. Perhaps we don't understand the Commandments. If we celebrate Easter without following EXACTLY what He and God taught, we are frauds. It's become a "feel good" holiday for uncommitted people.

    Jonah's mission was accomplished. God gave that wicked city 40 days to change their ways, and they did it. God's mercy is great. The city wasn't destroyed. Friends, I don't know how long we have to get back to Gen. 1:26, 27, but I have to believe our time is running out. We are  observing Christ's sacrifice, but only because of His free gift. We have no obligation to recognize He is the image of God and was with God when mankind was likewise created in His image.

    Although Jonah's mission was successful, Jonah was not happy that Nineveh was spared.
He went outside the city to brood. He wanted to see if Nineveh would continue to follow God, or if the people would backslide. God provided a gourd to give Jonah shade in the heat . Jonah really appreciated the gourd. Then the Lord brought a worm, and the worm killed the vine. That  left Jonah alone again. He wished he could die. The Lord had a final lesson for Jonah, and it was the forerunner of Christ's Eleventh Commandment, "love thy neighbor as thyself." If we are to take the Word of God to people who are lost, we probably won't love them to begin with. But, if they accept the Word of God, you will be able to see that God loved the lost as John 3:16 tells us. Jonah was not told to love the Ninevites, he was told to GO and preach them the Word of God and warn them about judgment. When Jonah understood the presence of God in these people's lives had made them brethren, he could drop his anger and see the all encompassing love that Christ directed us in the Eleventh Commandment. 

     The willingness to drop God's Word, and the eagerness to take from those who are somehow  disadvantaged have cast American Christians into the same pot as the Assyrians. God is not mocked and time is running out. Ashes on the forehead and declarations of "He has risen" mean nothing if Christ was not the image of God and mankind. Churches and pastors should take note, because judgment will begin with them, who are trashing His Law. You can only salve your  conscience by remembering Christ, alone, is your Savior, and you know what He looked like. A person is only a person. If you accept any other definition, you probably are Lost.

Rev. Walbear
P.S. -- For folks that don't know, the fish is a Christian symbol because Christ called us (like the disciples who were fishermen) to be fishers of men.

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