Watch a corporation getting married!
For the past two weeks, spreading the Gospel as taught by Jesus Christ, and marking Him as the foundation for Christianity, has been very frustrating for me. Few people pay attention to the teaching of scripture--the very words of Christ and the Word of God. Rather, church people and pastors accept the secular meaning of the word "person", and in so doing, deny Christ in the very season they should be following the biblical meaning of "person". I received Word on this subject last night, and appropriately, they were the very Words Christ spoke on the Cross, "It is finished." (John 19:30) I have clearly put forth the biblical and secular meaning of a person, and very few, if any, church people or pastors have paid attention. Some call it political, and it definitely is all about politics. We have the biblical Word of God and the foundation upon which
Christianity is based, Jesus Christ, versus a secular explanation of person, upon which mankind chooses to accept the 7th explanation from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary (pg. 628). It is indeed a sad time for me, a Christian minister, ordained to God's service, to have to admit that Christians are following man's law, not God's Law, and not the very Word of God as given in Gen. 1;26,27.
Assuming all of you "Christians" follow man's law, lets look at that explanation given in the dictionary. "7. Law. A human being (natural person), or a body of persons, or, in a wider sense, an aggregate of property (artificial, conventional or juristic person), that is recognized by law as the subject of rights and duties." If you can read and write, you should notice the words "artificial, conventional or juristic person", which clearly separates man's definition from God's definition as given in scripture, as well as the dictionary description. "2. A human being; a particular individual." This explanation agrees with scripture (Gen. 1:26,27) "3.b. A HUMAN BEING, as distinguished from THINGS or animals." Do you know what a human being is? Maybe that's why wickedness is progressing so "nicely". "4.a. The bodily form of a human being; also, outward appearance; as, of comely person". We know what Christ looked like, as
He was made in the image of God. You may hang your belief on number 7 above, if you choose man's convenient method to circumvent the Ten Commandments plus One. Ignore numbers 2, 3 and 4, and you follow man's legal explanation to place God and Christ in the trash can: and you say we are a Christian nation.
Every one if you who accepts the explanation of a person as including a corporation. is not only not a Christian, but blaspheming the very Word of God. We know what Christ looked like, we know how man was created. Then we consider money, and anything that enables hoarding money or gives us the chance to gain power is the way to go. Even the Roman Centurion in Mark 39.b. recognized Christ, not a corporation, when he said "Truly this Man was the Son of God." If you accept a corporation as a human being, picture what the figure on the Cross would look like. Figure how this non person could talk to God while hanging on the Cross. See if you can find any reason (except money) to believe the man's law interpretation. On Easter, be certain to say "It has risen!"
To all you Christians, church people, and especially pastors, judgment has not been
declared, but unless you reverse your field and start preaching the TRUTH, you will be the headline event when judgment falls upon us. Don't preach about the tribulation or end times, because God will have to handle your problem first.
O ye of no faith, you are not preaching any of Christ's teaching in the Gospels, about how to treat your fellow man. You are preaching money, our national debt and how we have so many entitlement people who are causing the deficit. You don't say a word to your partners in crime who make the laws and enjoy benefits even our handicapped veterans don't receive. You don't tell Congress to stop giving foreign nations our tax dollars while we cut the money needed by our citizens. I think Romney said it all when he told people about the 47% who thought they were victims. What a farce, having a man like that speaking without any knowledge of Christ's teaching. The worst part is that he has divided the middle class into two groups, setting those who don't need help from those who rightfully do. This is where you non believers grab hold of greed and envy. You don't want anyone getting any of your tax dollars. If they can't buy bread, let them eat cake, O ye of no faith!
This message is about politics, but not the politics of Republicans, Democrats, or the Tea Party. Apparently no one from any of these parties cares enough to go against the flow. The politics is very simple: either you believe the Word of God (John 1:1),"and the WORD was God," or you believe the ruling of lawyers and judges that uses a minor excuse to get rid of God. Yes, I said, "to get rid of God." O ye of no faith, you complain that the government has taken the bible out of the schools and the public way. This is your next step to completely get rid of Christ anywhere. You call yourself Christians, but you are of Lucifer. It's difficult enough for people to believe in something we know happened and people could see, but when Christ is removed as a person, there is nothing heavenly to see. The corporation rules, and all corporations are ruled by men and women who display little, if any, of Christ's teaching, and certainly none of God's Word.
I've done my best to bring you the truth according to scripture, so you at least know the
difference between the Supreme Court and Holy Scripture. There are two ways to go, and God gives you the choice. This choice is now yours alone, and you will either be uplifted by the person of God and Christ, or dragged you know where by the teaching of man. I will pray for you and hope to see some movement to real Christianity. However, it appears the church is in a spiral downwards led by Ye of No Faith.
Rev. Walbear
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