I'm probably going to create some problems for some readers with this message, so I'll begin with a disclaimer. I am not your judge or pastor. I am only an ordained minister pledged to the service of God and Jesus Christ, my Savior. I pledged to rightly divide the Word of God as given us through scripture and inspiration, which is true and holy.
I'll begin with a challenge, so you can delete the remainder of the message if this opening offends you. I'll pray for you if you do. Here's the challenge: I don't believe
many of you who claim to be Christians really believe in Christ. Most people believe in some kind of god--Satan believes in God, and even jungle natives who have never
heard the Word believe in a god. Worse yet, many pastors, preachers and teachers apparently don't believe in Christ. This is not far fetched--some openly admit they don't believe the Easter Story and much of the New Testament.
Now, if you're still with me, here are my reasons for doubting your commitment, and I urge you to read the Christian bible to be absolutely certain I am telling the full truth. If you claim to be a Christian, you commit yourself and your life to Jesus Christ, with no reserves, ands, ifs or buts. If you believe you have done this, you must know that
you must try to learn and follow His teaching in the New Testament. You also must understand that there is much in the Old Testament to understand, because Christ often quoted directly from those books and prophets. Everything in the bible is for our benefit. If you are a Christian, you must believe every word in the bible is the very Word of God, as we are admonished in John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
If you are a Christian, you must challenge the church leaders who do not preach, teach and protect the Word. When you do that, you are standing up for Jesus Christ.
the Son, and God, the Father. You are fulfilling your commitment to Christ. If you don't, forget about the rapture and escaping the end times. You will hear the very words of
Christ in Matt. 7:23, "And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" You should understand the reference to lawlessness here means the Commandments, not man's laws.
Do you stand up for your beliefs? Do you protest in your conversations with others, or do you march and display signs of protest? What do you protest about? I ask you this
question because I want to sort out your priorities as a Christian. Do you protest about abortion, same sex marriage, gays, the national health law, guns or other subjects? Do
you continuously protest about a liberal, socialist or communist being elected president? Do you protest about moochers spending your tax dollars, or people who don't earn enough to pay federal income taxes? Now, here is what I want to know: HAVE YOU EVER PROTESTED ABOUT CHRIST NOT BEING THE IMAGE OF GOD AND MANKIND???
What am I talking about? Read your bible. Gen. 1:26,27 tells us (this is the very Word of God, go back to John 1: for conformation) God made man in OUR IMAGE--the our here is made up of God and the Son, Jesus Christ. Christ was on earth in the flesh, was seen by a multitude of people, preached in the synagogues, was seen after being resurrected, and widely traveled the Palestine area. There can be ABSOLUTELY no doubt about what Christ looked like on earth. If Gen. 1:26,27 is not the Word of God and not true, why would anything else in the bible mean anything at all, and Christ would be reduced to a symbol rather than
"the very image of God." Revelation tells us (Rev. 22:18,19) warns us not to change or add to scripture. So, what's the change? THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT HAS RULED THAT A CORPORATION HAS THE SAME CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AS A PERSON (MEN AND WOMEN).
This ruling violates not only Christianity, but also science. Did you ever study science in school? Do you know the difference between a company (corporation) and your own mother and father? When you look in a mirror, do you see a corporation? Do you see an idiot? Can a supreme court justice--especially a conservative Christian--justify this ruling by using science, let alone religion? The answer has to be to satisfy a personal desire, and in this case, that desire was money. They say it was to level the playing field for politics. So, mister and missus Christian judge, we will alter our God-given bible to accommodate our political desires. Take a
picture of any corporate headquarters and put it up in your church and take down any likeness of Christ. We wouldn't want to defy the Supreme Court.
Can any of you claiming to be Christians tell me you have protested this judicial ruling in any way? Did you protest in a conversation, stage a rally, write a letter? I thought not. Don't really care, do you? It's not important. Your salvation is important, but you already took care of that, right? God and Christ can fight their own battle. We'll go to church and pray, but we won't bring up that subject because people won't like it. Mat. 7:23 tells you heaven is out of your reach. Further, you are bringing judgment on yourself and the nation.
Has your minister, pastor or teacher brought this subject up? Why would they do this, because it is the law of the land? Okay, so now we know man's law of the land supersedes God and our Holy Bible, the very Word of God (John 1:1). When I bring this subject up, I am brushed off and no one will discuss it. I have yet to hear any church person question this major breach of our Christian faith. Worse yet, pastors won't talk about it, except to say we have to follow the laws of our nation. These people, churched, leaders, or anyone claiming to be a Christian will not pass
Matt. 7:23.
If you take part in protests about our national health law, gun ownership, or any of the other issues including abortion or gay rights, but you do NOTHING about the Supreme Court ruling, you may as well hand in your Christian membership. You don't believe Christ is the image of God and man, and you choose to ignore scripture if it makes you feel good. The Supreme Court is only doing things as are other ultra conservative government bodies such as the North Carolina Legislature that passed a law limiting the height the ocean could rise. These people defy the laws (not theories) of science AND the tenets of faith they claim. I hear rumors these judges are considering overturning the law of gravity. Why not? Not as bad an idea as overturning Gen, 1:26,27, or John 1:1.
You may do nothing about this, but you should at least ask your pastor to give you an explanation. If you wonder why two thirds of the bible is devoted to creation and the large number of prophets, think about this: the prophets all warned God's Chosen about their falling away from Him and doing their own thing. God has patience and grace for us, but our ignorance of Christ's likeness paves the way for using the dollar sign instead of the cross. That is our idol worship. When we admire success, it is usually based on financial greatness, and when we place people in church positions, it is frequently because the person is successful professionally AND financially. A majority of Christians talk the talk, but few walk the walk. If you don't protest this "person" ruling, you are not a Christian, not because I say so, but because you are ignoring the very Word of God and ignoring the "person of Christ."
Rev. Walbear
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