How are we making out these days on following the Ten Commandments plus
One? You remember, of course, Christ added a commandment to God's original
Ten to steer Christians away from the soon-to-be idol of greed? Let's go right to
the Fourth Commandment, which some denominations use to try and set their
denomination apart from other Christian denominations. This is the Commandment the Pharisees used trying to convict Christ of disobeying God. Think about this, and look at the New Testament to get the explanation Christ gave. I will give it to you as well, but I want you to understand I only teach the explanation Christ gave.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do
all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested
the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
God's Chosen people were the Israelites we know as the Jews. They worshiped in the temple on Saturday, the Jewish sabbath. There were no Christians yet, and when Christ came to earth and Christianity began, Christ and the apostles and teachers were all Jews. They spent Saturday in the temple. Their teaching could not be in the temple, because the temple was only for Israelites. Therefore, they taught Christianity outside the temple on the following day, Sunday. Matt. 5:17 tells Christ came to fulfill the law, not change it.
If you read the passages in Matt. Chapter 8, you should note that Christ refers
to the prophets of the Old Testament and is continually challenged by the Pharisees. When they criticize Him for healing on the sabbath, He points out there are some responsibilities that overshadow rules and require mercy. Among these are treating sickness, normal chores to care for animals, etc. There is a difference between working and doing what is necessary. Now, please note something that will be a subject later in this message. Christ did not change or discontinue the law because it is in place for the Israelites. He expanded the law to enable His followers to be taught the Word, and added an Eleventh Commandment, which many Christians choose to ignore.
Next, we'll look at the first two Commandments, which many Christians either do
not understand, or choose to interpret for their own interest, The First Commandment simply tells us "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Pretty simple English language until you understand "no other gods before me" includes nothing that could or does represent the one and only God. Calves have been used, statues have been used, and a multiple of other things have been used to represent God. I am very disappointed to write that American Christians have thrown this commandment under the bus. What!!! You say. I go to church and I pray to the Father in heaven. How dare you make such a statement?
Well, to quote Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways", I'll count a few ways Christians are disobeying this commandment. First, we have mega churches where Christians are worshiping with Muslims in the same church, same pews, and with the bible of Islam next to the Christian bible in the pews. Islam does not recognize Christ as the Son of God, and their god is Allah. Then we have some denominations such as a Lutheran branch, that are revising the words and meaning in the bible. There are numerous organizations we classify as cults that have expanded the bible in direct violation of Rev. 22:18-19. I could go on and on, but I'll now list the worse violation of the First Commandment, which is ongoing, and does not involve other faiths such as Islam or a cult. This violation is so terrible because it has been put in place very subtlety, and most Chriostians who have accepted it don't even listen when
they are told about it. Compounding this violation of God is the fact that church pastors and teachers do not protest, and apparently see nothing wrong with it. Like the Pharisees, they are Christian priests who are only interested in the law--the law of men, not God.
If one percent of those reading this, pick up on this violation of God and Christ, I'll be surprised, because no one, including pastors, I talk to, will explore the meaning of the subject. They take this violation to be an attack on their philosophy of conservatism. God is in charge of everybody, Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, you name it. God is also in charge of the world. You may say this is now politics, but it is much more than that because it supersedes the very Word of God. Read John 1:1. The Word was God. Is there some English word there you don't understand? We are told in clear English (and we can go to the Greek if you aren't satisfied) in Gen. 1:26,27 that a person (man or woman) was created in the image of God and the Son. Read those passages again, and tell me you don't know what men and women (humans) look like. Then tell me nobody saw Christ on earth, so we don't know what the image of God and Christ looks like.
The United States Supreme Court is a body that contains more than just Christians, but the majority vote is controlled by conservatives. They ruled that a corporation is a person by declaring a corporation has the same Constitutional rights as a person. That opened the floodgates of political contributions, now virtually unlimited and without identity of the donor. One result was the wasteful spending by both parties in the past election. The conservatives claimed the ruling was necessary so both parties could collect and spend donations. The law
didn't seem to make any difference politically. The conservatives ruled for 12 years, and now the liberals are partially in charge. You may claim this message is about politics, but it is not. It is all about our Christian walk. Do we call God and Christ liars? Do the justices know more and better than God? Should we now worship a corporation or follow the teaching of corporations? Take down your pictures of Christ. Tear them out of your bibles. Get with the modernization of the new bible. Pray to our corporation in heaven. Go to your corporation for healing and blessing. This violation of God's Commandments alone may be enough to bring us under judgement. It's not the end time, it's judgment time.
Now that we know Christ's likeness should be replaced by some corporate's headquarters or logo, we turn to the Second Commandment. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth underneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto
thousands of them that love me and KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS."
As a Christian, do you love Christ? John 14:15, in Christ's very words, INSTRUCTS us, "If you love me, keep My commandments." Those include the Ten Commandments plus One, and I will get to the plus One shortly. I hear Christians talk about putting a financial drain on the next generation. If they read the commandments, they would see a worse curse for the personal sin. We should look at the graven image part in this commandment. If you wanted to
grab most Christians' attention, you would place a BIG Dollar sign above your message or advertisement. Like the Supreme Court ruling, we have a movement underway worldwide to place a money sign as our graven image. Many churches are spending more time on social planning than teaching the Word.
The Second Commandment links with Christ's additional Commandment, and joins with the First Commandment as you see in Matt, 22:37-40. "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second (Christ's Plus One) is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." Next to God, you should love your
neighbor. A pretty plain and clear directive. Today love has been replaced by hatred, greed and envy. Every person who receives aid--especially money--is considered a moocher by a very vocal group of Christian conservatives. It's the same chant over and over. They're taking "my hard earned money." Every person who receives social security worked his/her entire life to retirement age, paying part of every paycheck into this old age insurance. Wealthy people can collect the money, too. Soldiers who are physically or mentally handicapped from the rigors
of war, and their families, collect very little considering their lives are forever changed. People who are physician certified as needing SSI aid are labeled moochers who won't work. People collecting unemployment must have a current work history to collect aid. I know of few people who don't want a job. The Christian conservatives who complain the loudest include those who are so unhappy with the election results, they want to secede from the union, just as the slave owning states' rights people did in the 1860s. Unfortunately, Romney, the conservative flag bearer, gave these unChristian "patriots" a rallying cry that 47 percent of citizens were moochers and didn't pay taxes. When you have so much, as Romney has, you don't even know that anyone working at a fast food place or for minimum or less wage, has taxes taken out of every paycheck before receiving anything. Apparently he thought only payment of federal income taxes separated
the moochers from conservatives. He didn't even know about property taxes, town or township taxes, state income taxes, etc. Poor people don't earn enough to have money left over to pay federal income taxes.
Romney's 47 percent lie has become the continuing rally cry against the lower middle class. Human nature--not Godly nature-- has taken over because the loudmouths are so easily led into this separation of the middle and lower layers of American society. In this effort to cement these ignorant Christians as full supporters, the conservatives will not grow any thinking members. A thinking Christian would at least reference the 47 percent claim. Rather, they accept the nudge to violate Christ's teaching, overcome with greed and envy that brings hatred along. I have my legions of haters because I teach Christ's very words. I am a stinking liberal or socialist because I write or say our directives from scripture. Not one will review or discuss my messages, and none will go to the bible to see the truth. What they all do is say welfare is destroying the country and people who don't work don't deserve to eat. Sometimes one of these people actually knows a verse or two of scripture, and uses that verse without having any idea what it means. 1 Tim. 5:8 tells us "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." So, we divorce our Christian brethren if they need help to support their household. We also divorce all non conservatives because they support Christ's added amendment. We now have a nice, little club where we all love each
other and hate those unGodly neighbors. They are all welfare cheats. When you see a crippled veteran or a struggling military widow, be proud somebody else saved your freedom. There is a need for welfare reform, but this is for the child mills, usually unwed mothers and irresponsible men. This group needs to be changed, but it is not responsible for our nation's financial woes.
Who's responsible for our debt? It is Congress, and the culprit is the House of Representatives, who controls every dollar appropriated for every bill. Our Constitution tells us that the House must direct the payment of bills. The President is only directed to administrate programs set forth by Congress. These "patriots" don't know any more about the Constitution than they know about the bible. Our debt could be easily reduced by trimming foreign aid and withdrawing from the
mini wars that destroy our best workers. Why did we send National Guard and Reserves to fight in foreign countries instead of the Regular Army? Ask your senator or representative. Oh, I forgot. You don't want to ruffle any feathers with the leaders you voted for.
I haven't gotten to Commandments 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. They are short and sweet directives that you know, if you know right from wrong. I will mention Commandment Nine, because it is another one that many Christians break frequently. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Every time you proclaim your dislike (hatred) against your neighbor--the 47 percenters--
you are committing a sin. I said a SIN, folks. And, breaking this commandment entitles you to judgment, and our nation to judgment. I urge you to read Matt., Chapter 26. Note carefully the many false witnesses against Christ. Guess where they are today. Want to join them? Continue to spread the lies and condemn your neighbors who are innocent, and scripture tells us where you will finally "rest". Envy, greed and false testimony, or the Trinity--God, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Rev. Walbear
P.S.-- This is satire only.
One? You remember, of course, Christ added a commandment to God's original
Ten to steer Christians away from the soon-to-be idol of greed? Let's go right to
the Fourth Commandment, which some denominations use to try and set their
denomination apart from other Christian denominations. This is the Commandment the Pharisees used trying to convict Christ of disobeying God. Think about this, and look at the New Testament to get the explanation Christ gave. I will give it to you as well, but I want you to understand I only teach the explanation Christ gave.
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do
all thy work: but the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou
shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor
thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six
days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested
the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."
God's Chosen people were the Israelites we know as the Jews. They worshiped in the temple on Saturday, the Jewish sabbath. There were no Christians yet, and when Christ came to earth and Christianity began, Christ and the apostles and teachers were all Jews. They spent Saturday in the temple. Their teaching could not be in the temple, because the temple was only for Israelites. Therefore, they taught Christianity outside the temple on the following day, Sunday. Matt. 5:17 tells Christ came to fulfill the law, not change it.
If you read the passages in Matt. Chapter 8, you should note that Christ refers
to the prophets of the Old Testament and is continually challenged by the Pharisees. When they criticize Him for healing on the sabbath, He points out there are some responsibilities that overshadow rules and require mercy. Among these are treating sickness, normal chores to care for animals, etc. There is a difference between working and doing what is necessary. Now, please note something that will be a subject later in this message. Christ did not change or discontinue the law because it is in place for the Israelites. He expanded the law to enable His followers to be taught the Word, and added an Eleventh Commandment, which many Christians choose to ignore.
Next, we'll look at the first two Commandments, which many Christians either do
not understand, or choose to interpret for their own interest, The First Commandment simply tells us "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Pretty simple English language until you understand "no other gods before me" includes nothing that could or does represent the one and only God. Calves have been used, statues have been used, and a multiple of other things have been used to represent God. I am very disappointed to write that American Christians have thrown this commandment under the bus. What!!! You say. I go to church and I pray to the Father in heaven. How dare you make such a statement?
Well, to quote Elizabeth Barrett Browning, "How do I love thee, let me count the ways", I'll count a few ways Christians are disobeying this commandment. First, we have mega churches where Christians are worshiping with Muslims in the same church, same pews, and with the bible of Islam next to the Christian bible in the pews. Islam does not recognize Christ as the Son of God, and their god is Allah. Then we have some denominations such as a Lutheran branch, that are revising the words and meaning in the bible. There are numerous organizations we classify as cults that have expanded the bible in direct violation of Rev. 22:18-19. I could go on and on, but I'll now list the worse violation of the First Commandment, which is ongoing, and does not involve other faiths such as Islam or a cult. This violation is so terrible because it has been put in place very subtlety, and most Chriostians who have accepted it don't even listen when
they are told about it. Compounding this violation of God is the fact that church pastors and teachers do not protest, and apparently see nothing wrong with it. Like the Pharisees, they are Christian priests who are only interested in the law--the law of men, not God.
If one percent of those reading this, pick up on this violation of God and Christ, I'll be surprised, because no one, including pastors, I talk to, will explore the meaning of the subject. They take this violation to be an attack on their philosophy of conservatism. God is in charge of everybody, Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, you name it. God is also in charge of the world. You may say this is now politics, but it is much more than that because it supersedes the very Word of God. Read John 1:1. The Word was God. Is there some English word there you don't understand? We are told in clear English (and we can go to the Greek if you aren't satisfied) in Gen. 1:26,27 that a person (man or woman) was created in the image of God and the Son. Read those passages again, and tell me you don't know what men and women (humans) look like. Then tell me nobody saw Christ on earth, so we don't know what the image of God and Christ looks like.
The United States Supreme Court is a body that contains more than just Christians, but the majority vote is controlled by conservatives. They ruled that a corporation is a person by declaring a corporation has the same Constitutional rights as a person. That opened the floodgates of political contributions, now virtually unlimited and without identity of the donor. One result was the wasteful spending by both parties in the past election. The conservatives claimed the ruling was necessary so both parties could collect and spend donations. The law
didn't seem to make any difference politically. The conservatives ruled for 12 years, and now the liberals are partially in charge. You may claim this message is about politics, but it is not. It is all about our Christian walk. Do we call God and Christ liars? Do the justices know more and better than God? Should we now worship a corporation or follow the teaching of corporations? Take down your pictures of Christ. Tear them out of your bibles. Get with the modernization of the new bible. Pray to our corporation in heaven. Go to your corporation for healing and blessing. This violation of God's Commandments alone may be enough to bring us under judgement. It's not the end time, it's judgment time.
Now that we know Christ's likeness should be replaced by some corporate's headquarters or logo, we turn to the Second Commandment. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth underneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and shewing mercy unto
thousands of them that love me and KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS."
As a Christian, do you love Christ? John 14:15, in Christ's very words, INSTRUCTS us, "If you love me, keep My commandments." Those include the Ten Commandments plus One, and I will get to the plus One shortly. I hear Christians talk about putting a financial drain on the next generation. If they read the commandments, they would see a worse curse for the personal sin. We should look at the graven image part in this commandment. If you wanted to
grab most Christians' attention, you would place a BIG Dollar sign above your message or advertisement. Like the Supreme Court ruling, we have a movement underway worldwide to place a money sign as our graven image. Many churches are spending more time on social planning than teaching the Word.
The Second Commandment links with Christ's additional Commandment, and joins with the First Commandment as you see in Matt, 22:37-40. "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second (Christ's Plus One) is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets." Next to God, you should love your
neighbor. A pretty plain and clear directive. Today love has been replaced by hatred, greed and envy. Every person who receives aid--especially money--is considered a moocher by a very vocal group of Christian conservatives. It's the same chant over and over. They're taking "my hard earned money." Every person who receives social security worked his/her entire life to retirement age, paying part of every paycheck into this old age insurance. Wealthy people can collect the money, too. Soldiers who are physically or mentally handicapped from the rigors
of war, and their families, collect very little considering their lives are forever changed. People who are physician certified as needing SSI aid are labeled moochers who won't work. People collecting unemployment must have a current work history to collect aid. I know of few people who don't want a job. The Christian conservatives who complain the loudest include those who are so unhappy with the election results, they want to secede from the union, just as the slave owning states' rights people did in the 1860s. Unfortunately, Romney, the conservative flag bearer, gave these unChristian "patriots" a rallying cry that 47 percent of citizens were moochers and didn't pay taxes. When you have so much, as Romney has, you don't even know that anyone working at a fast food place or for minimum or less wage, has taxes taken out of every paycheck before receiving anything. Apparently he thought only payment of federal income taxes separated
the moochers from conservatives. He didn't even know about property taxes, town or township taxes, state income taxes, etc. Poor people don't earn enough to have money left over to pay federal income taxes.
Romney's 47 percent lie has become the continuing rally cry against the lower middle class. Human nature--not Godly nature-- has taken over because the loudmouths are so easily led into this separation of the middle and lower layers of American society. In this effort to cement these ignorant Christians as full supporters, the conservatives will not grow any thinking members. A thinking Christian would at least reference the 47 percent claim. Rather, they accept the nudge to violate Christ's teaching, overcome with greed and envy that brings hatred along. I have my legions of haters because I teach Christ's very words. I am a stinking liberal or socialist because I write or say our directives from scripture. Not one will review or discuss my messages, and none will go to the bible to see the truth. What they all do is say welfare is destroying the country and people who don't work don't deserve to eat. Sometimes one of these people actually knows a verse or two of scripture, and uses that verse without having any idea what it means. 1 Tim. 5:8 tells us "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." So, we divorce our Christian brethren if they need help to support their household. We also divorce all non conservatives because they support Christ's added amendment. We now have a nice, little club where we all love each
other and hate those unGodly neighbors. They are all welfare cheats. When you see a crippled veteran or a struggling military widow, be proud somebody else saved your freedom. There is a need for welfare reform, but this is for the child mills, usually unwed mothers and irresponsible men. This group needs to be changed, but it is not responsible for our nation's financial woes.
Who's responsible for our debt? It is Congress, and the culprit is the House of Representatives, who controls every dollar appropriated for every bill. Our Constitution tells us that the House must direct the payment of bills. The President is only directed to administrate programs set forth by Congress. These "patriots" don't know any more about the Constitution than they know about the bible. Our debt could be easily reduced by trimming foreign aid and withdrawing from the
mini wars that destroy our best workers. Why did we send National Guard and Reserves to fight in foreign countries instead of the Regular Army? Ask your senator or representative. Oh, I forgot. You don't want to ruffle any feathers with the leaders you voted for.
I haven't gotten to Commandments 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. They are short and sweet directives that you know, if you know right from wrong. I will mention Commandment Nine, because it is another one that many Christians break frequently. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Every time you proclaim your dislike (hatred) against your neighbor--the 47 percenters--
you are committing a sin. I said a SIN, folks. And, breaking this commandment entitles you to judgment, and our nation to judgment. I urge you to read Matt., Chapter 26. Note carefully the many false witnesses against Christ. Guess where they are today. Want to join them? Continue to spread the lies and condemn your neighbors who are innocent, and scripture tells us where you will finally "rest". Envy, greed and false testimony, or the Trinity--God, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Rev. Walbear
P.S.-- This is satire only.
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