Sunday, March 10, 2013


                                              PROTESTANTS AND CATHOLICS

     Christians, whether Protestants or Catholics, have holy bibles from which they receive their rules, regulations and directives. These bibles contain the very word of God, and were written by people inspired by God. The Catholic bible contains some writings (books) that are basically historical, that are not included in the Protestant bible. The two recordings of Gods word support each other and give Christians God's teaching. Christians of both branches of the church make two pledges to become pastors or teachers of the word of God. One is the affirmation of commitment--the sinner's pledge--that you have placed your person under the control and guidance of Jesus Christ. The second is your pledge in ordination as a pastor or teacher to carry out the mission Christ gave us (Matt. 28:19,20). This final instruction from Christ is the charge to all Christians, but especially to those who represent the pastors and teachers. Every Christian can benefit from this examination, your adherence to Christ's directive and the bible. John 1:1 makes it clear that we MUST follow scripture because, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the WORD WAS GOD." As a pastor, teacher, or Christian, is there any word you don't understand? If you know of someplace in scripture that this declaration is not accurate or has been changed, please tell me.

    Now that we should know the scriptures are not only the Word of God, but the
representative of God, Himself, we need to go to the very end of the New Testament,
the book of Revelation, 22:18,19, to see the final words of our instruction. "For I testify to everyone who hears  the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." It is unfortunate that many Protestant denominations are violating these verses by changing not just certain words, but direct commands of the Word. If you "belong" to one of these denominations, I ask you to explain what Godly authority gives you that right. Ironically, one of these denominations is a branch of the Lutherans, and Martin Luther was the main creator of the Protestant movement away from the Catholics.

    The above verses of scripture should have given us the basic foundation of Christianity, and the principles we must follow. As a Christian, we know the leader we have pledged to follow, and the entire contents of our textbook. We are warned that failure to follow the textbook will get us dismissed from Christianity. Following this textbook is extremely important for pastors and teachers, because they are held to a higher level than regular students. As Luke 12:48 tells us, those to whom much is given, much will be required. If you are a pastor or teacher, you are responsible for guiding people--Christians as well as non Christians -- to and through the Word of God. 

    Now, who am I to pose all these scriptures and questions to pastors and teachers,
some of whom have more degrees and experience than I? I'm just an old-time country
preacher who has lived more than three quarters of a century, experiencing the facets
of American life. I only desire to know why some pastors and teachers (and many, many church leaders) somehow have a different understanding of God's Word. I would like to know, for example, why they no longer follow God's Word in Gen. 1:26,27. After all, these verses are in the very beginning of our Word of God, and are God. If we can't follow this simple beginning lesson, how can we possibly even become Christians? Christ relied upon the Old Testament, and frequently quoted it. He was with God when God created everything. Gen. 1:26,27, "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to  Our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.'" God later sent His only begotten son to earth and we have been told in scripture how He was conceived, His birth, life to crucifixion,  His appearance to people after resurrection and His ascension to heaven. We therefore know His image because people saw Him. We know He also is the image of God because God told Christ man would be in Our image--God's and Christ's. We should know what the image of God and Christ looks like. Christ was on earth in the flesh. 

    Here is where I have a disgusting problem with Christian pastors, teachers, leaders,
and church members. Why don't they know what the image of God and Christ looks like, and why don't they understand we--men and women--look like God and Christ? Scripture is so clear it practically hurts. Since I have been inside a few colleges and studied under some brilliant teachers and read a quantity of "religious" books, why can't I agree with these church people and followers on the image of God and Christ? Why do they not understand those two primary verses of scripture? They are key instructions for the entire New Testament and Christianity. If you don't believe with all your heart that you and I are the image of Christ, why do we believe anything about the Son? If these verses are fake, we have ABSOLUTELY nothing to base Christianity upon. It is then a type of club and can be taught and fostered by people no better than witch doctors. What am I so upset about this image stuff? Read on.

    In the United States, you must understand that we now are created in the image of a corporation--any corporation. The corporation is God's image. That IS THE Law, according to the ruling of the Supreme Court. These judges for life ruled that a corporation has the same constitutional rights as a person. Why were they ever asked to decide a religious question such as that? This is not a court of religious leaders, not a court of Christian scholars, not a court of Popes. This is a bunch of lawyers and politicians reminiscent of the Pharisees and government leaders of Israel in the days of Christ. Aha! We have our answer. These judges are political people (or are they corporations, since it would seem they could make this claim under their ruling). They were ruling on a question totally in Christian ignorance because they were fulfilling the wishes of politicians in an effort to win elections. They were supporting--of all people--the Christian church. We have seen the marriage of the conservative Christian church with the American political party. This is the party that many members claim non conservatives can't qualify to be Christians. Hated liberals are shunned. Somehow liberals can't be trusted to give the sinner's prayer. The ruling was made for the simple purpose of making it legal for corporations to spend unlimited funds to support political candidates. 

    The conservative church members have been told (misled) by their leaders this
is necessary because unions and certain other entities have been able to contribute
huge sums to get liberals (Democrats) elected. The two party system has worked
pretty well in America, and the conservatives have done well in past elections. They
controlled the presidency, supreme court and both houses of Congress for almost
two presidential terms. In an effort to return to such overwhelming control, they have
attempted to make changes to increase their possibility for full control. This includes
changing voting district boundaries, voter identification regulations, and questionable
handling of voting results. Some of this political maneuvering has always taken place,
but never before on such a level. There is a constant stream of misinformation and
false stories on the internet. Most conservatives pass these along without checking
for accuracy. The zeal to be winners overshadows the bible's warning that false
testimony is a sin. 

     What I want to know, is why have none of the pastors, teachers and conservative
church members not questioned or disputed this total unChristian ruling? Why do they
continuously tell everyone they meet America is going down because conservatives
are not in control? Why are they working so diligently to destroy the main thrust of
our Constitution--separation of the government in branches of the presidency, the
Senate and House of Representatives? A one party government is a dictatorship.
Why do they want to take away programs from those who don't have any financial
means to protest, yet see nothing wrong with foreign aid to countries who offer us
nothing in return? Why is it okay to use tax dollars for foreigners who never contributed
to our country, while our citizens--those who have worked all their lives and served in
the military--are victims of spending cuts pushed through by wealthy conservative
members of Congress? Are only conservatives hard workers? Why all the unbiblical
efforts to take away from the poorest Americans? Don't conservative Christians read
the Four Gospels and understand Christ's addition of the Eleventh Commandment?
He knew money would be the idol that would bring judgment on the people, and the
addition of so much false testimony, especially on the internet, just heaps more sin
on the people.

    Where is the question and protest concerning the Supreme Court's blasphemy
against God and the very foundation of Christianity, Jesus Christ. Judgment will come,
and those responsible for it will not be gay people, pro abortion, same sex marriage,
or other non-conservative subjects blamed on liberals. Judgment will come because
of not obeying God, represented by God, Christ, the Holy Spirit and scripture. You
cannot separate or change that structure and actually be a Christian. You are calling
God and Christ a liar, and you are assuring the destruction of the church. Forget the
rapture. You don't have a ticket if you buy in to this blasphemy.

Rev. Walbear

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