Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Passover--Question #1 of the Four Questions


Passover is a very special time as it represents the freeing of the very 

oppressed Jewish people at the time with great miracles. It was also a 

somber time because of how this was accomplished. The Passover Seder,

 pictured above, is very ceremonial and all the foods listed represent a 

particular piece from that first Passover. Passover was named so the Angel of

 death would pass over the Jewish home's door marked with blood at the top

 so their firstborn children would be spared and not killed. The Egyptians did 

not know about this so therefore, had no blood marking their doors and the 

Angel of Death entered and killed their firstborn children. This made them so

 afraid and heartbroken, they finally freed their Jewish slaves. So it is also a 

lesson of obedience to God and a fulfillment of promise. This is a nice look at

 how a Seder is handled in a completed home. 

 On all other nights we eat bread or matza, while on this night we eat only matza.

Because tonight we remember Jesus. By whose stripes we are healed. Yeast leavens, or puffs up, as pride and sin inflates our hearts. Tonight we eat unleavened bread, bread without yeast, to remember Jesus who was without sin.”  The matza is then broken in half, “Just like He was broken for 

 It is customary before Passover to thoroughly clean the entire  house from 

top to bottom and make sure every last crumb of bread is gone.  This often is 

a game for the children of the house. This symbolizes the purging of sin from 

our lives. Matza also has a symbolic correlation for the Christian or Messianic 

Jew in that matza has the criss cross pattern of the cross, and the holes in it 

that represents the piercing of Christ on the cross. Of course, you will notice 

that the questions also relate to the Passover Seder as well. 

Question #2 tomorrow.

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